indian writing in english

8. Aurobindo’s famous works “The Human Cycle and The Ideal of Human Society” taken together to give a complete picture of Aurobindo’s version of the future possibilities of man and shows the humanistic trend in his thought. The erudite intellectual K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar’s scholarly knowledge has helped in the conception of this book. Thus, it was aptly noted by William Walsh regarding the afore mentioned writers: Distinguished not only for their own work but as the inaugurators of the form itself since it was they who defined the area in which the Indian novel in English was to operate, drew the first models of its characters and themes and elaborated its particular logic. VAT Registration No: 842417633. His creative genius is so much accounting and his literary output is so much rich and varied that the phrase ‘myriad – minded’, which Mathew Arnold had used for Shakespeare, can aptly be used for him also. World Literatures 10. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Indian English Literature is an honest enterprise to demonstrate the ever rare gems of Indian Writing in English. It is also remarkable that the theme and technique of novels in Indian literature during this period found based on social upset, poverty, untouchability, exploitation, social movement, political movement etc. For those who are into philosophy, there are many Indian writing bestsellers listed on this site. Their works delve into the hurdles faced by newly independence nation, which at times a harsh depiction of reality. Her fiction deals with India's elite responding to the crises engendered by political change. British Literature: Post World War II 4. And with all these factors, production of women’s literature declined further. English is used by the Indian government for some communication as a supplement to Hindi, the country's "official language of the Union", enshrined in the Constitution. Feminism themes have also been used by authors like Nayantara Sahgal and Rama Mehta. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Thus, his roots and early education in India combined with the exposure to higher education in a foreign country, has played a stupendous role in shaping the mind of this writer. Notable 20th Century authors of English poetry in India include Dilip Chitre, Kamala Das, Eunice De Souza, Nissim Ezekiel, Kersy Katrak, Shiv K. Kumar, Arun Kolatkar, P. Lal, Jayanta Mahapatra, Dom Moraes, Gieve Patel, A. K. Ramanujan, Madan Gopal Gandhi, and P C K Prem among several others. Rushdie's statement in his book – "the ironic proposition that India's best writing since independence may have been done in the language of the departed imperialists is simply too much for some folks to bear" – created a lot of resentment among many writers, including writers in English. Rushdie will always be remembered for his dare devil techniques, narrative spanning generations, depiction of characters with eccentricities, experimentation with style, abundant usage of allegory, symbols and thinly veiled disguise of real life people and political overtones. It has definitely become a convenient medium to express the intrinsic talents of the writers. "In Search of Indian English: History,Politics and Indigenisation. Simultaneous with Narayan's pastoral idylls, a very different writer, Mulk Raj Anand (1905–2004), was similarly gaining recognition for his writing set in rural India, but his stories were harsher, and engaged, sometimes brutally, with divisions of caste, class and religion. Indian writing in English has a relatively short but highly charged history. Partition Literature 11. Midnight’s Children(1981), the novel has three parts and based on the crucial role by history in the narrative, it can be categorized as the growth of the characters during pre – Independence, partition and post – Independence. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1838–1894) wrote Rajmohan's Wife and published it in 1864; it is the first Indian novel written in English. In Coolie(1936 ), he presents a poverty-stricken protagonist, Munoo who portrays the hollowness of the society and the curse faced by the proletariat. If we dive deep into the works of the Indian stalwarts of English fictions, it is revealed that their works are not an imitation of English literary pattern but highly original and intensely Indian in both theme and spirit. Women in Raja Rao’s novels suffer from domestic injustice and tyrannical tradition, but the writer suggests no way out of their dilemma. He has a French wife and his association with Savithri brings to the forefront the contemplation of the Feminine Principle and endeavors to correlate the eastern and western views. It is the language of our intellectual make-up – like Sanskrit or Persian was before – but not of our emotional make-up. His fiction revolves around the imaginary sleepy South Indian town of Malgudi but expresses an outlook which has universal appeal. His works abounds with the lavish use of symbols and fantasy. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The greatest merit of his language and style lives in its simplicity. He is undoubtedly the master of portraying the socio-comic aspects of the ordinary Indian’s family and idiosyncrasies of human which form the crux of his novels. Regional fiction theme has been aptly used by Kamala Das, Anita Nair and Susan Viswanathan. Vikram Seth, author of The Golden Gate (1986) and A Suitable Boy (1994) is a writer who uses a purer English and more realistic themes. People are forced to work in the mines so that the kleptocratic king and his cronies may render themselves even wealthier. These facts are incorporated by the women writers. His namesake Vikram A. Chandra is a renowned journalist and the author of The Srinagar Conspiracy (2000). It is amazing to note that these writers have climbed the ladder of success in a slow and painful way. Similar to the way Thomas Hardy used Wessex, Narayan created the fictitious town of Malgudi where he set his novels. The stories and novels of Ratan Lal Basu reflect the conditions of tribal people and hill people of West Bengal and the adjacent states of Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal. The dual combination of independent movement and nationalist consciousness gave much impetus and spur to the outflow of novels in which affection for motherland was the crux and this served to invoke the patriotic sentiments of the masses. An example of a Prakalpana work is Chandan's bilingual Cosmosphere 1 (2011). (14). The majority of Mulk Raj Anand’s (1905 – 2004) novels brings to the limelight the inequalities of society and trials and tribulations of the less fortunate. Kisari Mohan Ganguli translated the Mahabharata into English, the only time the epic has ever been translated in its entirety into a European language. Indian Writing in English 1. P. Lal (1929–2010), a poet, translator, publisher and essayist, founded a press in the 1950s for Indian English writing, Writers Workshop. Today is the generation of those women writers who have money and are mostly western education. It reveals the cosmopolitan outlook of the new generation who strives to strike a balance between the inherited traditional values and imbibed foreign culture. During 1990’s India became a popular literary nation as a number of women authors made their debut in this era. We see them bursting out in full bloom spreading their own individual fragrances. Literary Criticism 7. English is also the sole official language of the Judici Therefore, there was a flourish of novels in both regional and as well as in the national stream. Looking for a flexible role? This page was last edited on 24 February 2021, at 06:47. Kamala’s oeuvre explores a multitude of issues and the choices of themes exhibit her potential to approach the subject with appreciable maturity and good organisation. The fruits are being tasted not only by the native people, but they are also being ‘chewed and digested’ by the foreigners. Nevertheless, if … Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. The great proliferation of the Indian English novel also owes its credit to the sudden increase of interest in the new literature of post colonial nations by the west. The contributions by women writers cannot go unnoticed. Basically, these are the novels of protest and an outburst of reservations and contaminations. Singh, Bijender. Contemporary Indian Poetry.Columbus: Ohio State University Press,1990. In Hemingway style language the author takes the reader into the dreamland of nature and people who are inexorably associated with nature. Indian Writing in English 9. To his credit, there is a long list of poems and plays, both in Bengali and English which had made his place among the world’s greatest writers. He analysis modern India from a different perspective and elevates Hindu orthodoxy to a grand metaphysic. Jahnavi Barua, a Bangalore-based author from Assam has set her critically acclaimed collection of short stories Next Door on the social scenario in Assam with insurgency as the background. It happened only after the constant caring, pruning and feeding. The horrors, tragic consequences and partition like the large scale migration, reckless looting and merciless massacres were portrayed by the writers in their works which captured the interest, and imagination of the reader, the Indian English novels began to prove its mark in the global literary scenario. Raja Rao famously argued in 1938, in the preface to his novel Kanthapura, for using English, but English adapted to Indian conditions: English is not an alien language to us. Nectar in the Sieve (1954) is her first novel, which delineates the tragic outcomes of penury, natural calamities and intruding modernization with its horrendous aftermaths. Company Registration No: 4964706. The novels of authors like Namita Gokhale or Shobha De are really out – spoken. In Pleasure City (1982), Kamala concentrates on the intrusion of modernity in a traditional world and its consequences. While this literature continues to reflect Indian culture, tradition, social values and even Indian history through the depiction of life in India and Indians living elsewhere, recent Indian English fiction has been trying to give expression to the Indian experience of the modern predicaments. She remains the still centre, like the centre the potter’s wheel, circling to create new forms, unfolding the continuity of a racial life, which in turn has encircled and helped her acquire a quality of concentration. There has been an admirable economic growth in India in recent times. Ruskin Bond received Sahitya Akademi Award for his collection of short stories Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra in 1992. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote perhaps the first book by an Indian in … One of the best Contemporary Indian Writer. Her award-winning book is set in the immensely physical landscape of Kerala. With delicate sensitivity, she exposes the prejudices women face in the male-dominated society. History of Indian English literature enlightens readers that the first book written by any Indian in English was by Sake Dean Mahomet, titled Travels of Dean Mahomet; Mahomet's travel treatise was published in 1793 in England. He initiated a trend which cared very less about the continental method of writing novels. Thus, this new voice of emerging modern India succeeded in drawing the attention of the public towards the pressing problems of gender inequality, social evils, and encroachment of land by foreign nationals and exploitation of women in a patriarchal society. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 1968 3: 1, 3-15 Download Citation. Gandhi's Indian Home Rule or Hind Swaraj (1910) was written in an indigenised variety of the English language and challenged successfully 'the hegemony of Standard English' (Auddy, 169) even before R. K. Narayan, M. R. Anand and Raja Rao. However, Indians speak British English, and there are many differences between British English and American English. English has acquired a rare privilege and popularity in India especially among the elite and the middle classes. Kodaganallur Ramaswami Srinivasa Iyengar (1908–1999), popularly known as K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, was an Indian writer in English, former vice-chancellor of … Many of his stories like Blue Are the Far Off Mountains, The First Rain and The Magic Marble glorify purity of love. She was primarily a lyric poet whose mastery of rhyme and meter is … He contrasts this with the works of earlier writers such as Narayan where the use of English is pure, but the deciphering of meaning needs cultural familiarity. In his first six novels, Bhattacharya has treated culture with different angles. These rich contributions have widened the spectrum of issues deliberated in the novel. Andhra University. They have given a new shape and color to English literature in the same way as the Australians and Americans have evolved their own literature in their respective countries. Amitav Ghosh made his views on this very clear by refusing to accept the Eurasian Commonwealth Writers Prize for his book The Glass Palace in 2001 and withdrawing it from the subsequent stage. Indian English literature is two hundred years old. His most recent book Brahmaputra and Beyond : Linking Assam to the World(2015) made a conscious effort to connect to a world divided by racial, geographic, linguistic, cultural and political prejudices. He won Nobel Prize for literature in 1913, for his immortal poetic work Gitanjali(1913). Nineteenth Century European Realism 5. (48). Indian Writing in English, authored by K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar, is an educative guide on writing English in India and its different facets.. Summary of the Book. Apart from these reflections, the writers were able to propagate their point of view, which ultimately helped to motivate and guide the masses. After the trio of Raja Rao, R K Narayan and Mulk Raj Anand in the middle of the twentieth century, we have a multitude of writers both men and women from different walks of life on various themes. In its early stages, IEL was influenced by the Western novel. Key polar concepts bandied in this context are superficial/authentic, imitative/creative, shallow/deep, critical/uncritical, elitist/parochial and so on. "Jasmine on a String: a Survey of Women Writing English Fiction in India." Would you like to get the full Thesis from Shodh ganga along with citation details? Vikram Seth is also a prolific poet. It tells of a king who lives behind an iron curtain while his subjects have cruelty and death delivered upon them at the slightest pretext. During the eighteenth century, these factors led towards the decline of Indian women writing. A major trend is the original creative writing in English in the Indian subcontinent, among others. Thus the fixation on religious aestheticism was replaced by concerns on socio – political issues. Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) wrote in Bengali and English and was responsible for the translations of his own work into English. The vividness in character portrayal is balanced by ironic humor, which is his characteristic style. Wide ranges of themes are dealt within Indian Writing in English. From being a singular and exceptional, rather gradual native flare – up of geniuses, Indian Writing has turned out to be a new form of Indian culture and voice in which India converses regularly. Mahapatra, Jayanta & Sharma, Yuyutsu (ed.). "Nine Indian Women Poets", Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1997. So, the novel proved to be an effective medium for the reflection of the spirit of the age, encompassing the bitter and sweet realities of the period. Thus, it was assumed that their work would get more priority and acceptance in the society. He used a hybrid language – English generously peppered with Indian terms – to convey a theme that could be seen as representing the vast canvas of India. It is self-evident that Indian English drama could not secure a firm foothold and build s tradition of its own about which M.K. The struggle for independence was a mighty and momentous movement sweeping the entire nation and exerting tremendous impact on the sense of national consciousness among the literary fraternity. We can only write as Indians (…) Our method of expression… will someday prove to be as distinctive and colorful as the Irish or the American. The routine life of the fisher folk with its simplicity and awareness of the complexity of unknown dangers in the sea and the like are portrayed vividly by Kamala. It is increasingly being used by writers to give shape to the conflicting dilemmas and issues that confront the human psyche. He is usually categorised under the magic realism mode of writing most famously associated with Gabriel García Márquez. His novels amuse, perplex and bring out the real literary pleasures. During the last four decades this bilingual literary movement has included Richard Kostelanetz, John M. Bennett, Don Webb, Sheila Murphy and many others worldwide and their Indian counterparts. It is to the credit of these novelists that they have overcome the hurdles of writing in a foreign language and have been evolved a distinctive style for themselves by mastering the intricacies of the language and assimilating in it the hues and flavors of the Indian – sub continent. The literature from the west was essentially what formed the canonical literature until the mid 20th century after which, for the very first time, Indian Writing in English received the due visibility it … (Indo-Anglian is a specific term in the sole context of writing that should not be confused with Anglo-Indian). The characterization in the novel is a testimony to Kamala’s caliber to etch characters realistically and humorously. In the past, the work by the Indian women authors has always been undervalued because of some patriarchal assumptions. Satthianadhan's autobiographical novel Saguna: A Story of Native Christian Life was published serially in The Madras Christian College Magazine from 1887 to 1888. Some of these arguments form an integral part of what is called postcolonial theory. Their novels consist of the latest burning issues related with women as well as those issues that exist in the society since long. Science fiction and Detective Literature 8. Fields. The language, style theme and narrative technique employed by Rushdie is entirely novel and highly innovative. Indian women writers like Kamala Markandaya, Bharathi Mukherjee ,Anita Desai, Nayantara saghal and many more have played a pioneering role in conveying the readers a wild range of indigenous Indian issues, punctuated by a strong feministic outlook. He further adds "the post-colonial novel, becomes a trope for an ideal hybridity by which the West celebrates not so much Indianness, whatever that infinitely complex thing is, but its own historical quest, its reinterpretation of itself". Today a woman has also become a direct money earner and she is not only confined to household works. Anita Desai, who was shortlisted for the Booker Prize three times, received a Sahitya Akademi Award in 1978 for her novel Fire on the Mountain and a British Guardian Prize for The Village by the Sea. He is the first poet in Indian English writing who has given the re – interpretation of myths. The seed of Indian Writing in English was sown during the period of the British rule in India. Speaking of The Big Three, Walsh said: “It is these three writers who defined the area in which the Indian novel was to operate. Tagore’s Chandalika (1938) was modeled on an ancient legend describing how Gautama Buddha’s discipline asks water of a tribal girl. Though match making is the novel’s theme, the major attraction of the novel is the depiction of social panorama of India which encompasses cultural arena, politics in academics circles and the like also form an integral part of the novel. Rohinton Mistry is an India born Canadian author who is a Neustadt International Prize for Literature laureate (2012). These women writers say that feminism means putting an end to the silent sufferings of women. English is an official language of 7 states and 5 Union Territories and also additional official language of 7 states and 1 Union Territory. Oxford University Press, 2014. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This is particularly true of life in the country side, the seaside, the hillside where life has, perhaps, changed very little indeed during the last two thousand years. A Suitable Boy(1993), by Vikram seth was the cynosure of all eyes on its publication. Lal Behari Day's Govinda Samanta or the History of a Bengali Raiyat was published in 1874 and the same author's Folk Tales of Bengal: Life's Secret was published in 1912. Each used its own version of an English freed from the foggy taste of Britain. He wrote two novels Murugan, The Tiller (1927), Kandan, The Patriot (1934) and his collection of short stories are Jatadharan and other stories (1937). English. The non-fictional body of prose-works, consisting of letters, diaries, political manifesto, articles, speeches, philosophical works etc. In its early stages it was influenced by the Western art form of the novel. The play follows the heroine Nandini, who leads the people and finally the king himself towards the destruction of this artifact of subjugation. Swami and Friends (1935), The English Teacher (1945), Waiting for Mahatma (1955), The Guide (1958), The Sweet Vendor (1967. On the other hand, male authors used to deal with heavy themes. This has been achieved by novelists who sought to prove their inner creative urges in English language, which is indeed an alien tongue for them. Indian English is a class of varieties of the English language spoken in India, and among the Indian diaspora elsewhere in the world. Nayantara Saghal (1927) is another popular woman novelist who dominated the Post – Independence scenario of an Indian novel in English. Ram Nath Kak (1917–1993), a Kashmiri veterinarian, wrote his autobiography Autumn Leaves, which is one of the most vivid portraits of life in 20th century Kashmir and has become a sort of a classic.[who? It is a well constructed novel on the classical mode on the theme of hunger and starvation. Sri Aurobindo envisages spiritual humanism. Gardeners’ like Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao – to name only a few, looked after the tender plant night and day. No plagiarism, guaranteed! India's experimental and avant garde counterculture is symbolized in the Prakalpana Movement. East – West conflict, multi – culturalism, social realism, gender issues, comic aspect of human nature, ecological concerns, magic realism, diasporic writings and the like became the themes of the post – Independent writers. ], R. K. Narayan (1906–2001) contributed over many decades and continued to write till his death. The younger generation of poets writing in English include Abhay K, Arundhathi Subramaniam, Anju Makhija, Arnab Jan Deka, Bibhu Padhi, Ranjit Hoskote, Sudeep Sen, Smita Agarwal, Makarand Paranjape, Jeet Thayil, Jaydeep Sarangi, Mani Rao, Jerry Pinto, K. V. Dominic, Meena Kandasamy, Nalini Priyadarshni, Gopi Kottoor, Tapan Kumar Pradhan, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Robin Ngangom, Vihang A. Naik, Anuradha Bhattacharyya, K Srilata and Nandini Sahu. The women of modern era think on different lines and that is what is depicted in the novels of the Indian women authors. Its early history began with the works of Henry Louis Vivian Derozio and Michael Madhusudan Dutt followed by Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of London & New York: Routledge, 2020. They feel that a woman is an equal competent just like a man. Post – Independent India has been making quick strides in the field of science and technology. Her daughter Kiran Desai won the 2006 Man Booker Prize for her second novel, The Inheritance of Loss. Awards. Although some Indo-Anglian works may be classified under the genre of postcolonial literature, the repertoire of Indian English literature encompasses a wide variety of themes and ideologies, from the late eighteenth-century to the present day, and thereby eludes easy categorization. Indian culture being rooted into his consciousness fails him to offer any concrete solution to the besetting women’s issue. Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh and Upamanya chatterjee are the writers who reigned supreme with their momentous work. Joseph, Margaret Paul. The arrival of his best novel Midnight Children(1981) shook the very foundation of the complacency of the Indian English Fiction. Naidu's poems are deliberately grounded in an anti - intellectual aesthetics of ephemeral beauty. 1. Raja Rao’s (1908-2006) reputation as a novelist of metaphysics and philosophy is amply justified by his substantial contribution in upholding these themes in his novels. Another writer who has contributed immensely to the Indian English Literature is Amitav Ghosh who is the author of The Circle of Reason (his 1986 debut novel), The Shadow Lines (1988), The Calcutta Chromosome (1995), The Glass Palace (2000), The Hungry Tide (2004), and Sea of Poppies (2008), the first volume of The Ibis trilogy, set in the 1830s, just before the Opium War, which encapsulates the colonial history of the East. Narayan has gained mastery of the art of portraying characters and nuances of the English language. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on Published: 1st Jan 2015 in (75-81). Kamala’s ability to depict her social observations comes to the force in A Handful of Rice (1966). Both Toru Dutt and Krupabai Satthianadhan, two promising Indian English writers of the nineteenth century died untimely in their early twenties and thirties respectively. Tamas by Bhisham Sahni, translated from Hindi by Daisy Rockwell. Different kinds of human relations are portrayed and analysed through the different social settings. Thus the lucid description of the freedom struggle showcased images of the awakened Indians who sought to regain their freedom from the grueling and torturous regime of the Britishers. Modern expatriate Indian poets writing in English include Agha Shahid Ali, Sujata Bhatt, Richard Crasta, Yuyutsu Sharma, Tabish Khair and Vikram Seth. In both the books, geography and politics are integral to the narrative. It is the story of an intellectual Rama who is in quest of personal enlightment and seeks inspiration and revelation from eastern and western metaphysics. Their language has been freed of the foggy taste of Britain and transferred to a wholly new setting of brutal heat and brilliant light.”. Inexhaustible. Bhabani Bhattacharya (1906-1988) is one of the novelists of the older generation of Indo – Anglian writers. He was discovered by Graham Greene in the sense that the latter helped him find a publisher in England. Sarojini Naidu (1879 - 1949), the Nightingale of India, is among the most popular and accessible of Indian poets in English. Indian writing in English means for expressing their indigenously-rooted experiences and responses, or unselfconscious, meaningful writing by foreigners, who are either married to Indians or are naturalized Indian citizens. He was instrumental in bringing about an awareness of the inequality that existed in India. In modern time, it is guarded by a number of writers who are getting awards and accolades all over the world. Women writers in India are moving forward with their strong and sure strides, matching the pace of the world. Bianca, or The Young Spanish Maiden (1878) by Toru Dutt was the first novel written by an Indian woman. Vikram Seth is notable both as an accomplished novelist and poet. One of the key issues raised in this context is the superiority/inferiority of IWE (Indian Writing in English) as opposed to the literary production in the various languages of India. The sudden spirit of creative writing in the eighties reflects the sense of awareness of the plurality of the nation. In Iyengar’s words; As the years passed, he became more and more a legendary figure; in his flowing bead and immaculate white robes he was truly in the line of the great Rishi of Upnishadic times, and indeed he was truly in the line of the great bearing witness to the triune Reality, seeing the way showing it to others. The need for an autonomous, independent country lead to an explosion of creativity, which sought to appeal to the masses to take up the cudgels and oust the Britishers from the Indian soil. Kanthapura (1938) by Raja Rao emphasizes the influence of the Gandhian movement by highlighting the 1920’s and the Gandhi – Irwin Pact of 1931. Some criticise Narayan for the parochial, detached and closed world that he created in the face of the changing conditions in India at the times in which the stories are set. Literature and Cinema 9. Rushdie, with his famous work Midnight's Children (Booker Prize 1981, Booker of Bookers 1992, and Best of the Bookers 2008), ushered in a new trend of writing. Her works are a realistic delineation of the double pulls that the Indian women is subjected to, between her desire to assert herself as an individual and her duty in the capacity of a daughter, wife and mother. In 2008, Arvind Adiga received the Man Booker Prize for his debut novel The White Tiger. It is also associated with the works of members of the Indian diaspora, such as V. S. Naipaul, Kiran Desai, Jhumpa Lahiri, Agha Shahid Ali, Rohinton Mistry and Salman Rushdie, who are of Indian descent. His work as UN official living outside India has given him a vantage point that helps construct an objective Indianness. 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White Tiger to deal with heavy themes harsh depiction of reality and waiting to assist you with your university!...: history, indian writing in english nearly two centuries a collection of short stories the,. His short stories reflect the political turmoil of West Bengal since the Naxalite movement of the Indian authors! Independent India. ] Prakalpana fiction is a renowned journalist and the early twentieth century, a... The imaginary sleepy South Indian town of Malgudi where he set his novels inspired a of! Woman is an honest enterprise to demonstrate the ever rare gems of Indian writing in conception. Acclaimed short story collection the Mexican Sweetheart & other stories ( 2002 ) was brought up in Bombay and went. Emotional make-up usually categorised under the label of IWE – as IWE or post-colonial. Substantial contribution to world literature modern time, it was influenced by horrendous. Are forced to work in the USA stages it was assumed that work! 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