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If they already do, then they'll try to capture and take men prisoner for other monsters. Basically, the wound completely heals at the same time a woman changes into a monster, but by that time, their monster body will be seeking a man and their monster womb will begin to throb with even more heat, seeking sperm. The snake god faith is one of the monster faiths where the monster “echidna” is worshiped as a god. The only ones who live there are the ice queens, who rule over the world of ice, and the queens servants—the ice elementals born of their power, the glacies. They live in the holy land high in the mountains, disengaged from the strife of the common world. Since energy is mainly taken in through sex in this manner, while “sex” is an act of reproduction for monsters, at the same time it is also “feeding.” Additionally, the taste and smell of spirit energy lingers faintly on a man's body, and is comparatively thicker on the penis. so that they can remake their dwelling into a place where they can comfortably live with a human man. On the other hand, their lust and interest in other men grows thin. By the time humans realize it, it's too late, and the people will have become prisoners of devilish pleasure. Of course their mouth is also used for eating, and it has adapted specifically for pleasuring men and milking semen. Even monsters that milk energy from a man every day as “food”, don't just milk the men who are supposedly “food” violently. Bacchists maintain this position publicly, but none of their scriptures mention monsters as enemies of humankind. The whole family can become one, and experience bliss while having threesomes, or, on the other hand, the mother can treat even her own daughter as a rival and struggle over her husband in the same way as struggling with another monster over a man, vying for the husband by having sex. Additionally, the lamia family can be divided into the smallest units, “races” such as “lamia”, “medusa”, “echidna”, etc. Monsters have varying attitudes towards their men, some treating them as brothers, others as masters, servants, prey, or slaves. If enveloped by a dark slime, even a woman like that will... (2) After her body and heart have softly melted due to pleasure, she is reborn as a dark slime. This ritual is performed to quickly change someone into an incubus, so as a result of having been changed into an incubus with the demonic energy of the monsters of the sea, they've adapted to live underwater. those from the Land of the Four Gods conform to the description found in this encyclopedia's entry on jinko: proud warriors who assault humans only when they are in heat. many individuals run shops to earn a little money and for personal amusement. His scent, his body and the taste of his essence all become her favorites, and while to join and reproduce with her husband grows, her engagement with other men steadily withers to the point that only her husband is perceived by her as male. Strangely, however, many could both understand and speak human language. Furthermore, the change is always based on their face from when they were human, and in most cases, the changes occur along the lines of accentuating the attractiveness of the original, so, for example, even if there are huge changes, it's not like they change into a completely different person. Their appearance is altered based on their appearance from when they were human. However, when a succubus of awesome might ascended the throne of their Demon Lord, the power of her influence transformed monsters into beasts of lechery and fine, feminine form. Khepris remember the kingdoms of the distant past, though their recall is worse than the pharaohs'. Also, since it's in the nature of demonic energy to bind with powerful human emotions, it easily gathers in the corpses of those women who died with strong regrets, and those who left behind a man they deeply loved , so even in lands where there is little demonic energy, undead outbreaks are not uncommon. Just like monsters, their appearance stops aging at a certain stage. are used to ensure that pregnancy does not occur. Harboring a new devilish nature and eventually using her new body and abilities during sex, the daughter will be able to produce a new pleasure. By good fortune, in the course of field research for this book, the author had the chance to speak with a monster who had crossed over from the Mist Continent. And the more men gather, the more monsters gather to entertain them. They rapidly grow into lascivious monsters by the hands of men. Sometimes, she sends her servants to heroes and saints as a trial of temptation. This is because the current Demon Lord belongs to the succubus family. Monsters of immense, godlike power live atop these peaks; their mana spills over and blankets the continent in the form of the mist that vies it its name. And then, after being taught by their monster friends, or by their own monster instinct, they'll try out very pleasurable forms of play. In other words, a monster who will live alongside the risen man forever in carnal union. The demonic energy gets thicker as one approaches the central district, and once inside the castle, it is so thick that it causes the monsters to become sexually excited and lose themselves. To them, the snake is the symbol of bountiful harvest, eternity, and womanhood. Monsterization occurs when demonic energy gets inside the body of a woman. demonic energy arouses their bodies, eventually leading to a state where they have lewd desires and fantasies. In the case of men, they've become a sea monster's husband, and in the case of women, they've become monsters themselves. Often times business hours are short, and they take days off randomly. All the monsters, from guides to dancers, are thus strongly motivated to welcome guests with the most earnest of graces and entertain them all extravagantly. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Villages, towns, and in the worst case scenario, entire nations of matango and roper will be formed. Objecting to the endless butchery between humans and monsters, she raised her banner against the gods that dictated this. Monsters that have obtained a human man think firstly about having sex and act accordingly. I have been discussing with my spritely traveling companion, a leanan sidhe, where to go next. Based on the information subsequently gleaned, let us turn our thoughts for a moment to that great continent yet to be seen. The close relationship between volcanoes and monsters can be found in other aspects, too. It is a depiction of “Pandemonium” where, guided by blue skinned, black winged angels with a lascivious atmosphere, many men and women are having sex all over the place, whether human or monster. Monsters are ever cloaked in mana, which they use unconsciously when making love, a function that serves a number of important purposes. But they do not only dress as cats; the shrine maidens work regularly to behave like cats, too. Furthermore, every time the monsters gain strength and increase in number, the amount of demonic energy naturally released into the air increases, the Demon Realm grows richer because of it, and expands rapidly. Also, it's said that the lifespan of men who become an incubus becomes dramatically longer. Her sympathy with the monsters, who overflow with love for men, is great. So, it is extremely difficult to make a sweeping generalized introduction to these beings known as “monsters” which include a mix of a variety of races with different ecologies. This passage stems from arrows of the cupids, those angels who serve the goddess of love. When they have their body violated by demonic energy and are monsterized, this vast amount of spirit is converted into demonic energy, so the more powerful someone was as a human, the more powerful and lascivious the individual will become as a monster as well. As such, she is the most commonly revered deity within the kingdoms of the undead - in place of the Chief God's chalky white churches stand churches of Hel, fine estates decked in red and black. Their values and behavioral principles are based on that. She'll want to keep him at her side, continuing to have sex to gain mana. A highly distinctive aspect of the culture of Zipangu is its religion. When they engulf a penis, lick, and suck it, it is used as lubricant to provide even more pleasure, and aside from that, it is sent directly into the man's body through kissing, hotly igniting his passion from within. Many clothes that are worn and made by monsters are designed “to be worn during sex” such as the extremely light armor of the soldiers of the Demon Realm that can be worn during sex, and clothing infused with the power of a succubus embroidered or engraved with “pleasure runes” that amplify the pleasure received by the person wearing it, etc. They are unlikely to attack humans without provocation. However, there are several deities other than the Chief God who also live in the divine realm and are worshipped by humans and monsters. Elves are sensitive to magical energy, and at the stage when one has been corrupted by demonic energy, everyone around will notice it, and banish them from the village, so chain monsterization and conversion of elven men into incubi rarely ever happens. Additionally, like a monster, they'll start to feel that human men are delicious, and notice the sweet smell of energy in the air. Her head will become full of desire for them, and her mind will be dominated by thoughts that are almost just as pink in color as the prisoner fruit. (1) A boy having a fun conversation with his best friend. The inhuman blue, green, etc. For monsters, carrying the offspring of humans is one of their instinctive desires, and that is one of the reasons why monsters seek and assault human men. When performing this sexual intercourse, among the monsters there are also those who will attempt to thoroughly instill the woman's body with pleasure, developing her erogenous zones and making her lewd skill capacity blossom, so that she will become an even more lascivious monster. World Guide I: Fallen MaidensワールドガイドI: 堕落の乙女達 Additionally, in the middle of sex, energy that is poured inside is immediately converted into demonic energy and continuously poured into the man, so the sex won't end until they both get completely worn out and fall asleep. Noble higher-order undead are obligated to display to others their elegant defilement in degeneracy and dissipation, such as befits the undead. The Demon Lord's Army & the Extremists (p. 14 - p. 15), The Realm of Fire and Monsters (p. 32 - p. 33), The Lost Kingdoms of the Desert (p. 56 - p. 57), The Realm of Ice and Monsters (p. 78 - p. 79), The Noble Capital of the Undying (p. 118 - p. 119), The Wondrous Land of Wonderland (p. 128 - p. 129), The Kingdom Ruled by Cats, for Cats (p. 148 - p. 149), The Continent Enshrouded in Mist (p. 182 - p. 183), The Ethereal Land of Zipangu (p. 206 - p. 207), The Exotic Hospitality of Ryugujo (p. 230 - p. 231), The Attractions and Residents of the Ryugujo, This seems to be the only reference in all of the MGE to monsters deriving energy specifically from taking. It may seem somewhat incongruous that the guide to a city so filled with amusement is the umi osho, a servant of the sea goddess. The alluring monsters' hands give the penis pleasure by fondling, stroking, and enveloping it, guiding a man to climax. In this section, I've written in detail concerning alps, but there's another possibility for a male to turn into a monster, “skeletons (encyclopedia I – p.164), which are bones reanimated by demonic energy. Most humans are zealous followers of the Chief God, but because her doctrine is hostile towards monsters, of course there are almost no monsters who have faith in the Chief God. For that reason, monsters say “Delicious.” or “Looks delicious.” when they see a human man, and they refer to sex as “eating”. The first is one that retains a male heart while changing to become more monstrously lascivious. Once a human puts it on, they're unable to take it off, and the thick, solidified demonic energy dwelling within the equipment will flow into the human wearer's body to bind with the energy inside. The disease can be remedied by doing nothing but having sex all day long except while sleeping and repeating this over and over for a while. It is, effectively, human mana. Of all monsters, the majority are in this category. Many who have visited say that they spent longer there than they ever realized. The snakes infused with demonic energy are released onto the girl's body, crawling around, coiling around, and binding her while giving her pleasure. Should visitors take part, they will be distorted in the manner of Wonderland's residents before they know it-due to both the sex maniacs' chatter and they filthily delicious tea and cakes. Still, the remaining pharaohs dreamed of one day restoring glory to their kingdoms. In addition, the type of Demonic Essence that a human woman is exposed to can change the species of monster she'll become, different areas producing different types of mana. Their thoughts and behavior objectives become based on the parasite's instinct. Also, when they see human women unable to fulfill their desires, and bearing it patiently when their desires are inhibited by human rationality or human society, etc., monsters feel sorry for them. Monsters are typically superior to humans in both physical and magical ability, and their powers are various and unique among the different races. For them, feline gestures are the mere basics, as they are expected to be self-indulgent and free, embodying a manner that is not only selfish and haughty (for that does not attract the love accorded to cats), but lovable and alluring as well. Even so, it is possible to bring a man back to this world through a ritual(which will later be described) to borrow divine power and through a perpetual sacrifice that grants mana. With a few exceptions, the monsters themselves aren't aware of any kind of hierarchy based on that. Many of them typically use all their overflowing stamina to have sex with men, but there are some monsters who use it for martial arts and competitions, etc. The book was announced via a post on Kenkou's twitter account.[2]. In reaction to the fragrance of the sweet nectar and the slight amount of pollen, etc. The spirit energy of each individual man has a distinctive feel and taste. Demonic energy remaining in the body continues to alter the body and mind from within. Even so, situations considered too urgent to overlook may arise: portents of mass monster executions, war between states, civil unrest, oppression of the poor, persecution of human groups - as well as the sacrifice of individual rights to the whims of society. The people wear loose and relaxed traditional garments called kimono; the monsters there tend to wear clothes that are similarly looser and more modest than those found in other regions. A man may find that embracing a monster skin-to-skin from head to toe, as if displaying their heat for all to see, is in fact more comfortable than remaining alone. Since they space out and feel feverish while they are afflicted with the illness, even a normally ferocious monster that enjoys raping men will find herself getting thoroughly raped by men driven wild. However, the lust of an incubus who's kept having sex with monsters will not be satisfied by having sex with anyone other than a monster. Even very young monsters like this are already instinctively yearning for men. She then enjoys having sex with the prince at the ball until the spells wears off at 12 o'clock.” , “A story where a werewolf girl changes into a little girl in a red hood to trick the hunter man that is trying to hunt her, then rapes and imprisons him.”. The traditional scriptures of Bastet's followers say that, by approaching cathood, they may reach the paradise where lives their god. The temptation of monsters is extremely powerful. In addition to the normal food that they ate when they were human, it's also possible for an incubus to feed on demonic energy by having sex with monsters. There are also monster chefs who specialize in such “appetizers”, and in the cities of the Demon Realm there are restaurants run by monster chefs that are said to be popular with monster and incubus couples. It can also be seen from their attitudes, and the way they treat the men. On the contrary, by becoming a monster, the very incarnation of love and desire, the love swells up enormously inside them. One theory holds that the pharaohs' passing scattered their mana and divine power throughout the ruins so that it fused with the souls of their long-ago subjects, fallen in the midst of remorse - thus producing khepris. don't wear it, but on the other hand, there are more than a few monsters who do wear it. Aside from spellcasting, small amounts of demonic energy are naturally continually released from the monsters' bodies. Dismissing it as a foolish assumption of the old, she promotes the knowledge that death is a new beginning - beyond which lies reunion with loved ones and pleasure unending. They attack humans, just as they did when they were grotesque creatures, however the meaning behind it is completely different. Inari with many tails, especially the kyubi kitsune that have 9 tails, possess power that easily exceeds that of a low rank god. Alps mainly change into one of two types. In sum, every corner in a Ryugujo is filled with entertainment and monsters waiting for the chance to serve men. New Demon Lords rose to power through rebellions, but the current Demon Lord prefers pleasure, and doesn't like killing, and because of the way she rules, the monsters of the present have no desire whatsoever to rebel. If a human woman eats it, first the woman herself will become a “prisoner” of this sweet fruit. Monsters especially like the sort of thing where a tragic or unreasonable turn of events is overcome by a male hero, and monsters, and they finally have a lascivious happy ending. And then, they'll implant their own egg or spore, etc. Here, the black night-the time of the undying- never ends. Due to this magical energy, the spells they use are often vastly more powerful than similar spells used by ordinary humans. Without the obstacle that is The Order, the monsters are able to fully exhibit their ability to imprison men, and all of the men of monster friendly states end up being fond of monsters and desiring them. How can you remove the water from your clothes? Though the Extremists believe that all lands must eventually become monstrous, they do not invade human territory indiscriminately. The cities' festivities and facilities differ among the various Ryugujo found throughout the waters of Zipangu, all depending on the tastes of the otogime and the character of its residents. Formerly even the Demon Lord position was decided by monsters killing each other. The queen "Francisca Mistel Lescatie" rules, but she is infatuated with Druella who changed her into a monster, so she's a puppet and Druella holds the true authority. In addition, the undead have a fourth strong desire. Additionally, even if they don't have sex with a particular man, after living together for a long time, many monsters will recognize the man as their “husband” before even having sex with him, and when they finally do, the desire, passion, and love they feel towards the man, and the intensity of the sex is often far greater compared to a wild monster. That said, these monsters will aid anyone they find in distress, man or woman. that are kept by humans and share a strong bond with their masters, a beast may change into a monster. Due to that power, they are worshiped by people who wish for rich harvests, or easy childbirth, etc. Incubi are human men who have been adapted to the undead. Also, as was explained in the section “sex with monsters”, these organs adapt to their “husband” once they get a husband and change into organs specialized for sharing pleasure with their husband. Alps are incubi who strongly desired “to become female” or “to be joined with a male” that unconsciously used the demonic energy dwelling within them to destroy their own spirit generation function. All of the monstrous subjects therein adopt silver ornaments, lending them a dancer-like appearance. So why not use me more? In fact, given the environment and the warmth provided by its monsters, more and more states are becoming pro-monster, choosing to live with them. And while having sex with a monster again and again, the man will end up wanting to have sex with her even though it was originally forced, and eventually he will adapt to where having sex with her will be a priority in his life. Spirit energy is plentiful in human bodily fluids, especially semen. Those who offend her are sure to be punished in ways brutally perverted. The scope of its activities extends beyond the Demon Lord's castle and Royal Makai. And rather than tiring of their beloved's human mana, they instead only ever seek it with growing intensity. Generally monsters of sudden mutational races have a peculiar nature, and possess high abilities, so they are also welcomed by all monsters. However, in the case where the reward is a man, there is also a problem with needing to frequently replace staff because most monsters lose their motivation for the job entirely after getting a man. ["Fufufu! Though most undead arise from human women, there are also undead elves and dwarves, as well as the dragon zombie described later in this volume. Monsters predominantly tend to be more loyal to their instincts than humans and are, perhaps as a result of their succubus nature, highly lustful. There devilish, lewd clothing that grabs men's attention is sold as well as clothes enchanted with various spells, and stuff for monsters and husbands with a peculiar taste such as sexy maid outfits, sailor suits, and even bathing suits covered in “sahuagin” scales. In this way, most of the time when a human man meets a monster, he'll probably end up getting ravished and having sex with her. The warmer it is, the more alive and viciously sensual they become, spurred on by this cycle of invigorating heat. Also, to those who were born as monsters, it's just normal, so it's hard to understand the feeling, but according to those who used to be human, compared to when it was a human body, a monster's body, which always actively seeks men, feels as if it's engulfed in a sensation of warmth and exaltation. An ordinary human would find life in such a city most challenging, yet the monsters and incubi do not see such complications as problems. The following are a few of the teachings of Bacchus. The Demon Army treats prisoners of war extremely graciously. Undying, they are thought to be virtually immortal. They're normally extremely hard to obtain for humans, especially people living in anti-monster states. Monsters always have a race-specific “demonic energy” along with “succubus' demonic energy” that pours into them from the Demon Lord. Drink wine to give life, joy, and color, and to feed the energy needed to live each day well and virtuously. Monsters never rob the lives of the men they attack. In the cities that exist in Demon Realms, the main streets are proudly lined with shops that deal in clothing to be used during sex. They conceive of the ideal monster as being so alluring and lascivious that it can be called the ideal succubus. The philosophy is thought to have roots in Eros' own wish-that all who persevere through romantic obstruction will find a happy ending. However, because the yukaku offers many opportunities for monsters to meet and-moreover-be actively approached by men, the influx of new recruits feeds the rapid turnover quite well. Even little races that are way smaller than humans like the “fairy" only experience ecstasy and euphoria when their stomachs swell up as they get pierced by a man's rigid erection that is way bigger than even their own body. Most monsters that have known the taste of their husband's energy become a prisoner of that energy, practically entering a state of semen addiction. Unmarried men are carefully but vigorously assessed by many monsters while in jail. Thus, though they are unconditionally beholden to feline whim while in the kingdom of cats, ti seems that the husbands take a strange comfort in this and never want to leave. In the case of those that periodically have sex with multiple monsters, it piles up, so in the case of a single incubus that makes a harem of multiple monsters and keeps having sex with them, it ends up causing the birth of an extremely powerful incubus. the topics are often mainly focused around capturing and having sex with human men. Those monsters that are nearly human and beastmen, etc. After the overthrow, it became the Demon Realm of Lescatié, which the author visited while conducting research for the book Fallen Maidens. Monsters are highly sensitive to the scent of spirit energy; they can identify individuals by it and even use it to track down specific men. there are many worshipers. Her mind will be troubled by obscene thoughts and images, and the erotic dreams she'll be having every night, and desire will grow. Becoming an echidna means becoming a god themselves. If lower rank monsters were given orders that interfere with them having sex with men, they would of course express displeasure, and it's also understood that the higher rank monsters should refrain from issuing orders that get in the way of the lower rank monsters having sex with men. Monsters that obtain and taste spirit energy will be engulfed in powerful ecstasy and joy. Them compared to monsterization, although there are times when she was human subjects have begun. A mere beast to change them into monsters like themselves, they strongly seek men... The Fairy Queen spirit realms, these gods are said to be the same as them and 's. 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