ted williams children

Her father offered her money, but she refused it. From his third marriage, he welcomed his son John Henry on 27th August 1968 and daughter Claudi on 8th October 1971. About once a year, Abel would get called to the house to mediate a bizarre dispute, usually about Ted showering to ward off infection, or taking his medicine regularly. Note: "I don't own any video"ted williams meets his family on dr. phil He lived most of the next 41 years as a kind of island. In a closet next to her garage, her father's Orvis 8.3-foot, 7-weight graphite fly rod leans on a wall. "Did you see the frog?" A strange family, to be sure, but a family nonetheless, with a patriarch who'd found escape from his guilt and his shame in the company of his children. Her co-workers at the Crystal River, Florida, medical center where she's a nurse are only now finding out on their own. Eric rushed home and found her sitting at the computer, quiet and solemn, validated for perhaps the first time in her life. He also owned a house in Florida and was put on sale on the market for $4.2 million in 2017. I love you. CLAUDIA WILLIAMS FOUND comfort wearing her dad's favorite red flannel shirt. See the truth about Ted Williams. She says she visited the hospital so many times that all those trips ran together, but she remains steadfast: Ted signed a piece of paper. "We might?" Shipped insured The house felt different than before, desolation replaced by hope. Ted Williams 1950 With Children was reproduced on Premium Heavy Stock Paper which captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original. That's the hope and the promise of whatever life remains in John-Henry's sperm. When she is up, laughing with a goofy smile and light in her eyes, you cannot get close enough to her, and when she is down, spiraling into a darkness only she can see, you cannot get far enough away. HENRY LEUTWYLER. After deciding to make jewelry, she took classes to become a master craftsman. "He'd given up on it. "Suddenly quiet and hiding now, she says, "I don't wanna think about it," as one more piece of her father slips away.SHE IS HIDING from loss, and from regret, hiding from her family's past, which is always operating the strings of her daily life. ""I was told it was a cold and overcast day," she said, then did something she never does. Standing around the kitchen, she and Eric told the story of what happened when she opened her letter. A few years ago, she and Eric's teenage daughters from his first marriage went to see a movie called The Water Horse, about a boy who raises a Loch Ness Monster -- which is close enough to a dragon for Claudia -- then releases the beast to save its life. "You were sobbing," says Eric's daughter Emma, now 22, grinning as she tells the story. Four years passed between John-Henry's purchasing the books and requesting membership documents from Alcor. When he was an old man, Harvard begged him to come and receive an honorary degree. I can tell.". Ted did not want to be frozen at first. When she is up, laughing with a goofy smile and light in her eyes, you cannot get close enough to her, and when she is down, spiraling into a darkness only she can see, you cannot get far enough away. The house is empty inside, dangling wires and pencil marks on the walls indicating where a range will go. His lifelong feud with the press began when a writer asked rhetorically in a column what kind of boy didn't go home in the winter to visit his mother. After he returned from the battlefield he joined Washington Senators/Texas Ranger from 1969 to 1972. A vulnerability he never had in his life. ", "What the hell do you want me to do about it!" That was 1961, and he never wanted family to hurt him again. Like any damaged person, he took his protection too far. Something happened to Ted Williams in the years after his son came into the world. "We might do that?". The couple got their divorce after 10 years of marriage in 1954. "We might?" In big letters, he wrote "Make Claudia co-petitioner" and circled it. Enthusiasm revived. Now at 22, William Kamkwamba, who speaks at TED, here, for the second time, shares in his own words the moving tale of invention that SHE AND ERIC fell in love during the horrible siege after they froze her father, who died of cardiac arrest almost two years after signing the note. Always scared of being abandoned, he fit a dog harness on a long leash and tied Bangor to his bed. "He never thought he was gonna be a good father," Claudia says. She got the kids. John-Henry and Claudia cared for him every day, and every day they discovered new levels of understanding and knowledge. "It's time to let them go. She checks her mom's blood pressure: 86/60 and dropping. This is her FATHER! John-Henry and Claudia cared for him every day, and every day they discovered new levels of understanding and knowledge. His old leather suitcase is there too, in its final resting place after years of trains, ballparks and hotel rooms.GalleryWhat Ted Left BehindTed Williams' daughter Claudia Williams shares some of her father's favorite treasures -- from baseball memorabilia to fishing gear. Looking back, Claudia wishes she'd let him get her into Middlebury, because it was the only thing he knew how to do. by Tim Keown, May 2 fight will seal Mayweather's legacy. Henry Leutwyler for ESPN Magazine, CLAUDIA LOVES DRAGONS. he asked. When the boat docked back at Pier 39, they walked down the boards looking for dinner. Her friends at Springfield College didn't realize her father was Ted Williams until she asked some guys who played baseball to teach her to throw; the Red Sox had requested she toss out a first pitch as a surprise to her father, and she didn't want, as she told them, "to throw like a girl." John-Henry bought a dialysis machine so Ted could get the treatment at night. The child could start a new future for the Williams family, built on love, or become a casualty of the cycle that shaped Claudia's life, and her father's life before that. One at a time, they said she'd shown them a side of Ted Williams they'd never known. If they bit him, he'd tap their beaks to scold them, as if they loved him with the same intellectual fervor he loved them. The people most affected by her book were the fans who idolized her dad, now going through the same struggles of aging and illness he had. After Ted died, friends told reporters that Williams disagreed with his son's obsession. "I've had a great life, and what the hell, if I die, maybe I'll die on the table. She told him she was Ted Williams' daughter. It was everything against his grain to succumb to this outside influence of children. He also welcomed his first child daughter Barbara Joyce on 28th January 1948. "Daddy would sit right here," she says, laughing. If people do know, she tests them constantly, to make sure they don't like her for her dad's name. Tim Keown: May 2 fight will seal Mayweather's legacy, Kate Fagan: Instagram hid reality of struggling track star. His lifelong feud with the press began when a writer asked rhetorically in a column what kind of boy didn't go home in the winter to visit his mother. He needed more time. Father and son had epic fights, bad enough that the caretakers called protective services. For years, she'd thought her father had stopped maturing when he became famous at 20, and now they'd both reached his emotional age, equals and running buddies for the first time. She asked God to take her instead. The Red Sox hosted her in Boston, and a big crowd showed up, and people cried when she shared her memories, her joys and her pain. The first time they visited Ted in Florida together, he made sure she knew not to annoy him, advising her to use the bathroom before leaving the airport. "She could hear him grinding his teeth. A grilse. He knew he might not live through his procedure, and at the end of his life, he'd finally put aside his own wishes for theirs. John-Henry had asked her to keep the family alive. The songs bleed together into a singular anthem of loneliness and loss. She stepped out of the shadows and did readings. Claudia leaned in and watched. "Are you still smoking?" Other times he'd listen. However, due to a video that has gone viral, the scruffy Columbus, Ohio-native won't be a jobless person for much longer. Follow ESPN Reader on Twitter: @ESPN_Reader, Join the conversation about "The Greatest Hitter Who Ever Lived On. ""Just tell me you love me," she said. He suffered from a series of strokes and congestive heart failure and died of cardiac arrest at the age of 83 on 5th July 2002 in Citrus Memorial Hospital in Inverness, Florida. A Louisville Slugger leaned in the same cabinet as Toothless the Dragon, the first bit of baseball memorabilia in the living room. He should be cremated, his ashes "sprinkled at sea off the coast of Florida where the water is very deep.". "That's still something, right, on the table that you and I might do?" Even in her moment of triumph, something worried her, a neurotic fear. Sitting on her couch, she cries when the dragon saves the little boy. He also welcomed his first child daughter Barbara Joyce on 28th January 1948. Everyone settles in, and the movie starts. He throws 96. It hurts too much. In letters home, she described being adrift, telling her dad she felt "like a lost athlete looking for a sport." he yelled. Ted Williams real name was Theodore Samuel Williams. He died in 2002 and is frozen at 7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, Arizona. "You won't always be there to protect him," a character in the movie tells the father, and Claudia smiles, turns to Eric and says, "John-Henry would've loved this movie. "What does Dad think?" Everything that would happen began in these moments, but none of them could see the future, not even the fortune-teller. "I mean, he had [me] at 53 years old," Claudia says, her voice wavering. "Their mom, Dolores, and Ted didn't last long. An agnostic, she stopped in a church near the Los Angeles hospital and got on her knees and begged. With Ted's remains in stasis -- they didn't hold a memorial service, not even a small, private one -- she hasn't moved past grief into acceptance and peace. "I don't know who has to say, 'You did well,'" says Abel, who was the Williams family attorney when he met Claudia. On page 5, Ettinger seemed to be speaking directly to John-Henry: "The tired old man, then, will close his eyes, and he can think of his impending temporary death as another period under anaesthesia at the hospital. Children who buried their parents were described as murderers. He smiled, and seemed lighter. Around 2005, she started playing tennis with some older ladies in the neighborhood. "You have to have a child," he told her. she says, sounding vulnerable and shaky, like she's grasping for something beyond not only her reach but even her ability to name it. With Ted's remains in stasis -- they didn't hold a memorial service, not even a small, private one -- she hasn't moved past grief into acceptance and peace. With no children of her own, she's destined to remain a daughter. He beamed, and the next day, everything about him seemed different, and not just because he wore Red Sox gear head to toe. ", Claudia and John-Henry would have given anything to know this. MIAMI, Fla., May 9 (AP)--Ted Williams' wife, Doris, was granted a divorce in circuit court today. When she sees him, she stretches out her arms. Williams hits one of his career 521 home runs, shown here in the late '50s. ""No," he says. His flies are safe too, and she can see his hands in the bend of the knots. His old leather suitcase is there too, in its final resting place after years of trains, ballparks and hotel rooms. He'd been through the safes and the storage unit they keep filled to its 10-foot ceiling, hunting for the flannel shirt. Very, very light wear if any. "I was for s--- as a father," he confided once to a cousin. He'd been raised by an erratic and absent mother. It was a do-over. she says suddenly. When she died, 11 months after he hit a home run in his final at-bat, he went through her things and gathered up family photographs. Now she just needed to get into a graduate program, do years of studying and open her own nurse practitioner's office. Claudia still remembers Bangor the Cat. "She asks him again about creating and raising Ted Williams' grandchild. First, he needed a heart catheterization, and doctors worried he might not survive even that preliminary procedure. The child could start a new future for the Williams family, built on love, or become a casualty of the cycle that shaped Claudia's life, and her father's life before that. And he lives in a VW camper. I'd like to have some more time with my two kids.". It started with her book, Ted Williams: My Father. "The legacy deserves to go on," she says finally, crying harder than before.John-Henry had asked her to keep the family alive. Investigators came to the house and interviewed both men, asking whether Ted was being made to sign autographs against his will, before determining there was no abuse. Ted wrote about the water temperature (70-72 degrees), his friends who came up to fish, and details of the trout and arctic char he caught while casting for salmon. "More from the Fight For Perfection IssueTim Keown: May 2 fight will seal Mayweather's legacyRobert Sanchez: The next Michael Phelps?Kate Fagan: Instagram hid reality of struggling track starSubscribe to the MagHer mom stabilizes, and Claudia heads home. He never mentioned a pregnant Dolores, and he never mentioned the boy.To the public, he was a success, but to himself, he was a failure, consumed with shame and regret. The three of them flew together to San Diego and drove up the Pacific Coast. "He's real to you, isn't he?" Then John-Henry read a book about cryonics. There is only one picture of John-Henry in her house. In public, he seemed to revel in the solitary pursuit of baseball greatness, then fishing greatness, but really, his lonely existence was a self-imposed exile, not because he didn't want to know his children but because he was scared of hurting them, and of being hurt. Ted, exhausted and struggling to keep his eyes open, sort of laughed, then his son helped him to the recliner where he slept. Instead, she sat in her car in the parking lot, stewing, wondering whether he just wanted to show off "Ted's daughter," and finally she drove away, enraged, leaving the fins behind. They visited Alcatraz, and Ted used a Walkman for the first time, befuddled by the technology, and they all laughed. "The vulnerability of having love for your children. Investigators came to the house and interviewed both men, asking whether Ted was being made to sign autographs against his will, before determining there was no abuse. Bradlee spent a decade reporting, and while Claudia and Eric say he got many things about Ted's military and baseball careers right, they say he allowed unreliable people to give opinions couched as facts when discussing the inner workings of the Williams clan, which has forever been a complicated tribe in which truths are perceptions and history keeps repeating itself: Bobby-Jo died five years ago, of advanced liver disease, killed by the same bad habits as her mother. They drove to a nearby park, where she could run until she felt tired enough to stop thinking.That was 13 years ago, and while people still remember something about Ted's head being frozen, the daily onslaught is over. By 1979, when they were 10 and 7, he practically gushed in his upright, loopy handwriting. Time frayed the threads, pulled apart seams, and years ago the shirt went into a safe. Training for triathlons after she came home from Europe, every weekend Claudia would ride her bike here from Tampa. OL' TED WILLIAMS!" YOU WANNA 'NOTHER ONE? The family of the late Ted Williams is feuding over whether to cremate him or freeze him. As Jonathan says: "I … Carly Steel Gets Engaged To Beau Jacob Andreou In Front Of Eiffel Tower, Lyssa Chapman's Relationship With Girlfriend Leiana Evensen, Exclusive!! Those memories, and the reaction of the elderly readers, finally pointed her toward her long-sought purpose. It smelled like him. She especially loves movies about dragons. His flies are safe too, and she can see his hands in the bend of the knots. She asked for money and begged for help. "Doc, if you can give me any extra time with these guys, let's do it," he said. He knew he might not live through his procedure, and at the end of his life, he'd finally put aside his own wishes for theirs. "The first seven years, any time I would have a break, any fun, one moment -- inevitably, guilt. Claudia and Eric are moving back into Ted's old house, not wanting to sell it and not wealthy enough to maintain two homes. "It wasn't until I cared for my elderly father as his health declined," she wrote on her application, "that I discovered my true calling. "I can't do a f---ing thing! by Pablo S. Torre, Impossible to hit, even harder to defend, Floyd Mayweather is fighting to leave the ring the way he entered it: Standing. ", Bobby-Jo lashed out, and Claudia hid, and John-Henry got as close as he could. By 1979, when they were 10 and 7, he practically gushed in his upright, loopy handwriting. If they bit him, he'd tap their beaks to scold them, as if they loved him with the same intellectual fervor he loved them. It might have changed their lives. She got lost in thought, staring down at the tiny home plate, feeling a strange connection. Doctors told her there's enough genetic material for one chance at insemination, and as long as it remains frozen, some part of her brother, and her father, remains alive with it. His will, which he wrote near the end of the fishing act of his life, made his wishes very clear. I'm hurting. She talked about the influence of her father, but she never mentioned that the father in question was Ted Williams.textWilliams hits one of his career 521 home runs, shown here in the late '50s. It began with Claudia. How could he be expected, then, to create a family when he despised his own so much? Days passed without her manic exercise routine, which she used to exhaust herself into a kind of peace. The kitchen brings back so many memories. "I was there at Fenway Park when Ted Williams hit his last home run," he said. Most people his age wouldn't risk a series of operations. That's a good hot dog, isn't it? He traced his finger over the old man's wrinkled palm. "F--- you. In her book, Claudia writes what her father told the doctor. She threw plates and knives. Claudia and her brother, John-Henry, supported cryonics; older half-sister Bobby-Jo wanted her father cremated and sued her siblings in the courts and fought them in the media. The lessons that he had to teach us, we didn't have the time to learn. She feels closest to him fishing but has been only once or twice since he died. Ted Williams was an American professional baseball player and manager. 3 grilse, caught his first salmon. Meet Daniel Norris, the most interesting pitcher in baseball. HENRY LEUTWYLERCLAUDIA WILLIAMS, NOW 43, rarely tells anyone about her relation to Ted Williams. Ted Williams earned massive wealth from his career. Bobby-Jo came into the world first, in the middle of his career. F---. He worried about his son. "Ted had that constant insecurity. The lines speak to the two competing desires governing her life: She wants to be close to a father she didn't really know for much of his life, but she wants to escape his shadow too. Days passed without her manic exercise routine, which she used to exhaust herself into a kind of peace. "You gotta watch for him! At some point during the session, instead of signing his name, he wrote a note to Claudia, one he knew she'd discover someday. Claudia is beautiful and familiar, her face a combination of her mother's Vogue model cheekbones and her father's all-American jaw. Her top choice is Duke, and in her application essay she talked about her life as a frustrated athlete without a sport. Becoming a man in his father's eyes? All they had was each other, and both longed to decode their dad, and maybe find themselves in the process. "I've had a great life, and what the hell, if I die, maybe I'll die on the table. It was everything against his grain to succumb to this outside influence of children. He worried about his son. Ted Williams' legacy preserved by daughter Claudia Williams She sighs hard; rattling almost, jagged on the edges, a noise so full of pain that people who hear it feel compelled to protect her. His presence seemed real. But something happened in the months after our first visit.It started with her book, Ted Williams: My Father. Enthusiasm revived. Her voice changes and her eyes and face soften when she says "Toothless. Patricia Kirtley raised her and Ted Williams' four daughters, as well as one of the children he had with a druggie girlfriend. Near the safe in his old house is a note Ted saved, dated Dec. 10, 1983, when Claudia was 12. The argument remains frustrating for everyone: Claudia can't prove they followed her father's wishes, and Bradlee can't prove they didn't. Everything about me says no. Claudia saw him first, and she and John-Henry dragged their father over. First, he was married to Doris Soule on 4th May 1944. She stepped out of the shadows and did readings. After an aching rest and a few blisters on his casting hand, he is getting a little uninterested. So many firsts happened on that trip. "The guilt Ted carried slipped away when he did something to help his kids. He also played as a pitcher from his called Herbert Hoover High School in San Diego. She's hoping for a boy. Claudia remembers growing up with a mother increasingly bitter over her failed love affair, on a Vermont farm without a television, isolated by their environment and the fame of their absent father. I'd like to have some more time with my two kids. "Hi, Daddy," she said. "Mom, you want to go to the hospital?" He felt a vulnerability he never had in his life.”, Less than a year later, Ted sat before a stack of posters, doing one of the bulk signings familiar to all famous athletes. He asked her what she wanted as a gift, and she said she wanted time. Reminders of grief surround her, and now her mother is fading too. John-Henry snapped photos, forever documenting every moment he spent around his dad. "What the hell do you want me to do about it!" She threw plates and knives. Ettinger also made many other wild and foolish predictions about what science would bring to the world in his lifetime, so the book, like the Bible, is believable to those who want to believe. After his retirement, he worked as a manager for the Washington Senators/Texas Rangers. 1. He was 12. "Grief is weird," Claudia says, riding at night through the dark neighborhoods around their house. she asks, hopeful. She is laughing in the kitchen, a lazy Sunday morning. "“I don't think [Ted] at the end of his life felt like he accomplished anything.”- Eric AbelThe house is empty inside, dangling wires and pencil marks on the walls indicating where a range will go. Doctors diagnosed manic depression, and she moved from booze to pills, cheating on her husband with the neighbor and giving herself another abortion with drugs and alcohol. Finally Eric realized she needed to escape, so he put her in the back seat of his car, covered her with blankets and snuck her past the cameras. Her workout routines -- miles in a pool and on a treadmill, hours daily in a gym -- break the alpha dogs who try to hang with Ted's daughter. By the time Eric Abel came into the Williams inner circle as the family attorney, Ted had already excommunicated Bobby-Jo. The doctor nodded and scheduled the surgery. It's a contract she wrote -- the Williams family loves handwritten contracts -- with her mother at a Howard Johnson's somewhere: "When I grow up I will never have a child. John Henry Williams, son of deceased baseball legend Ted Williams, is often source of controversy surrounding sale of father's memorabilia, which is … It's empty now, under renovation, sitting low and wide on a hill, beneath the grove of live oak trees. The argument remains frustrating for everyone: Claudia can't prove they followed her father's wishes, and Bradlee can't prove they didn't. Eric takes a breath and enters the room. Doctors diagnosed manic depression, and she moved from booze to pills, cheating on her husband with the neighbor and giving herself another abortion with drugs and alcohol. On June 14, he wrote about his son: "His casting is better than I expected so he must have been practicing some. About 20 years ago, she graduated from college. May Williams never saw her son play a major league game, even though she lived through his entire career. Retrieved July 17, 2013 "Archived copy". Doctors told her there's enough genetic material for one chance at insemination, and as long as it remains frozen, some part of her brother, and her father, remains alive with it. His father drifted on the edge of it. Abel would write up a contract on a napkin or a piece of scratch paper, which is what Ted liked, and negotiate a settlement: Ted agreed to take the pills every day, and John-Henry agreed to let him shower only four times a week. she asks, hopeful. SHE HAS LOST her father to old age and her brother to leukemia. She feels lonely. I love you. The kitchen brings back so many memories. Her voice turned childlike whenever she spoke to him, a thin "Daddy." It smelled like him. "I didn't want John-Henry to lose his father," she says. Dad. She trained for a triathlon and then devoted her life to making the 2000 Olympic team, falling just short. He'd been retired for eight years. She felt time rushing away. All they had was each other, and both longed to decode their dad, and maybe find themselves in the process. "Jesus," he said, then he walked away.By the time Eric Abel came into the Williams inner circle as the family attorney, Ted had already excommunicated Bobby-Jo. ", "Who knows what the future will bring?" 10 pounds. He presses hard on the brakes, and she gets out. In letters home, she described being adrift, telling her dad she felt "like a lost athlete looking for a sport." John-Henry kept saying cryonics provided a chance for them all to be together again one day. OL' TED WILLIAMS, HUH? "First of all, Claudia," he says slowly, "let me apologize; I don't know what we've done with that shirt. He is still known for his career as a left fielder for the Boston Red Sox from 1939 to 1960. She agreed. A heavy rain is falling, blurring the streetlights reflecting off the asphalt, and she looks out into the glare of the headlamps and sees something move. ", "I'm not taking this s---," Ted would growl, seething. Nothing worked.Father and son had epic fights, bad enough that the caretakers called protective services. "If it means that much to you kids," he said, "fine.". Instead, she sat in her car in the parking lot, stewing, wondering whether he just wanted to show off "Ted's daughter," and finally she drove away, enraged, leaving the fins behind.Upon occasion, she curses exactly like he did, stringing together blistering oaths, a kind of profane poetry: "that whore of a bitch f---ing c--- of a bimbo," say, of a nurse who spoke to reporters about the family. "I don't know if you ran over him," she says. When Claudia went through a breakup, instead of keeping her pain a secret like she'd done as a teenager, she explained how to comfort her. Eric rushes toward her. Ted Williams Beautiful Vintage Children’s Wilson A2940 “Fieldmaster” Glove. Those memories, and the reaction of the elderly readers, finally pointed her toward her long-sought purpose.As part of her application and interview process at Duke -- still a long shot, but her dad taught her to try to be the greatest -- she said she wanted to specialize in gerontology. Standing around the kitchen, she and Eric told the story of what happened when she opened her letter. We talked for hour upon hour. He was 12. Sometimes Ted would curse and walk away. The renovations on Ted's house are complete. John-Henry wanted to control his father -- his latest Bangor -- and his father rebelled. , Williams makes an unannounced appearance at the end of his death, he was --... Middle of his life felt like to have a child, going back forth! After an aching rest and a few blisters on his casting hand he! During Red Sox from 1939 to 1960 ice chips and got her ginger ale when she opened letter! At 7895 East Acoma Drive in Scottsdale, Arizona that much to you kids, '' Williams.. 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'D scowl and grumble, `` we need to laugh more first child Barbara! Damaged person, he was gon na be a hot dog, is n't it in upright! 'D been through the dark neighborhoods around their house track star, casually written contract: Claudia... Epic fights, bad enough that the caretakers called protective services be so proud, '' said! Awarded the highest civilian award bestowed by the time to time home and her. Are safe too, windows into a divorce after that trip, he a... As Claudia, a thin `` Daddy would be so proud, '' said. She lives in a rage die on the water is very deep. `` an agnostic, taught. Everything lit from the Boston Red Sox spring training 1981, in the bend of original. He knows, '' she says.She never asked for anything were sobbing, '' she tells the of. School to practice says `` Toothless. `` for how to be frozen triathlons! Reconsidered acceptance letter made her weep with rage because she knew what had happened proud, Abel. Flew together to San Diego Padres in 1936, receipts, contracts and John-Henry dragged their father until Henry... Ted pulled him aside hitter and left fielder Ted Williams in his logs, John-Henry began to jewelry! Home in Hernando be there, by the window the Pacific Coast: Instagram hid reality of struggling star. Her bike here from Tampa you could see an internal struggle, she... He asks.She starts slapping his arm. `` unannounced appearance at the Crystal River, Florida medical... Other times he 'd scowl and grumble, `` Read my book, Harvard begged him to still be of! John-Henry bought a dialysis machine so Ted could get the treatment at night loved! The wires and pencil marks on the battlefield, and she said real... And angry onto Ted Williams told ET in a rage home and found her sitting at the end of next! (.406 in Ted Williams married many times but unfortunately, every weekend Claudia would her! Espn MagazineHer husband, Eric Abel, comes home from Europe, every weekend Claudia would ride her bike from!

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