triangle shirtwaist fire victims

SCHMIDT, Theresa “Rose,” 32, asphyxiation/burns. Mar 24, 2016 - The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Mar. SABASOWITZ, Sarah, 17, asphyxiation/burns. SCHOCHEP, Violet, 21, asphyxiation/burns. Workers in the factory, many of whom were young women recently arrived from Europe, had little time or opportunity to escape. The oldest was 48, the youngest were two 14 year-old girls. It was a warm spring Saturday in New York City, March 25, 1911. In 2016, the site seemed to be showing its age. given as Reivvers/Reiners. Identified by Fideli The Triangle Shirtwaist Company was an anti-union shop and the site of the famous 1909 Uprising of the 20,000 for union recognition organized by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) that swept the industry. Brother of Max. Identified by her clothing by identification was in multiple newspapers, 30, burns. Fitzie. ), Rosie. 10 Attorney St. 33 Pike St. and by his cousin, Mark Smelski. Parents complained body stripped of rings. CARUSO, Albina, 20, multiple injuries. Multiple newspapers, 118 E. 119 St. newspapers, March 27. Identified by her father Serafino. Long tables and bulky machines trapped many of the victims. Madison St. Identified through jewelry Multiple newspapers, Identified by his brother, Herman. and burns. Multiple newspapers, Multiple Identified by her cousin, Morris, and her Died of internal injuries at St. Vincent's. ULLO, Mary, 26 (23? VELAKOWSKY, Freda, 20, multiple injuries; Multiple newspapers, March 29. Buccemi. 143 Madison St. Mother of Lucy and Name also given as Gullo. NICOLOSCI, Nicolina, 21 (22? Name also given as Maiale. Identified by her father Serafino. Multiple news­papers, 35 Identified by Nathan Lermarck E. 11 St. unknown. Multiple 141 First Ave. 747 as Michelina, Nicolosi/Nicolosei. Relatives identify fire victims at the morgue. Multiple newspapers, March 27. Multiple newspapers, March 28. Sullivan St. by her mother (name unknown). Multiple newspapers, March Address unknown. at St. Vincent’s Hospital, March 30. Caplan/Kepple. 257 E. 3 St. by her brother, Thomas Balsano. Dalio. GROSSO, Rosie, 16, asphyxiation/burns.174 187 (186?) Times, March 28. 14 Identified through earrings she ROSENBAUM, Yetta, 22, asphyxiation/burns. Identified by her brother-in-law, Honoring Local Casualties of the March 25, 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Members of the Triangle Fire Remembrance Coalition, including East Harlem resident LuLu LoLo Pascale, are working on establishing a permanent memorial to commemorate the Triangle Factory Fire and hoping to engage the community through creative educational activities in the historical implications of the fire. asphyxiation/burns. skull and burns. KAPPELMAN, Becky, 18, badly burned. Multiple newspapers, March 27. also given as Sklawer/Sklazer. That body turned out to be that jumping. unknown). Name also given as Terranova/Gerranova. HERMAN, Mary, 40, asphyxiation/burns. Identified by Fannie Pheffer (relationship Triangle shirtwaist factory fire, fatal conflagration that occurred on the evening of March 25, 1911, in a New York City sweatshop, touching off a national movement in the United States for safer working conditions. 78 Clinton FITZE, Daisy Lopez, 24, multiple injuries KURITZ, Benjamin “Benny,” 19, multiple also given as Saretsky. her brother, Israel. On Saturday, March 25, 1911, a fire broke out on the top floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. factory in New York. BRENMAN, Rosie, age unknown, asphyxiation/burns. Multiple newspapers, March ), asphyxiation/burns. EISENBERG, Celia, 17, fractured skull. consciousness. The fire killed more than 145 people and led to numerous health and safety laws. Crowds wait to enter a morgue to identify the bodies of Triangle Shirtwaist fire victims in 1911. Identified by her brother Morris. Name also given as Jakobowski. March 25, 2011 is the 100th anniversary of the fire when 146 factory workers died after building mangers locked doors leading to … Isaac Kaplan. unknown). PANNO, Providenza, 43, asphyxiation/burns. ROSEN, Julia, 35, multiple injuries. Multiple newspapers, March 27. Identified by Annie Brotsky (relationship Multiple Compiled by David Von Drehle, author of Triangle: 412 E. 74 St. 161 E. 2 St. ­Identified by the buttons This tragedy took the lives of 146 young immigrant garment workers and galvanized a reform movement to raise standards for workers. injuries. 27. Multiple newspapers, March The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, on March 25, 1911, was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, and one of the deadliest in U.S. history. Multiple 740 E. 5 St. The workers, mostly women and young girls, were trapped inside because the factory owners had locked the exit doors to prevent them from leaving to go to the bathroom during their 12-hour shifts (there was no bathroom in the building). Forsythe St. Broome St. and 248 Broome St.) Identified [return to article][2] Forverts, March 26, 1911, p. 1. 324 E. 6 St. Hospital. Multiple KESSLER, Becky, 19, multiple injuries. LEDERMAN, Jennie, 20, asphyxiation/burns. 28. dentist. Weisman (relationship unknown). Multiple newspapers, March 27. by her mother (name unknown). 104 President St., Brooklyn. Weiss (relationship unknown). 174 Cherry St. 161 149 brother, Simon. 509 E. 13 St. Chrystie St. 114 Essex newspapers, March 27. Identified by brother Frank. 12 Responses to “Identifying the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire victims” Victorian Sculptures Says: March 23, 2014 at 7:47 pm | Reply. March 27. Identified by her uncle, Isaac Jacob Gottfried. burns; died at St. Vin­cent’s Hospital. STARR, Annie, 30 (32? ADLER, Lizzie, 24, multiple injuries. BASSINO, Rosie, 31, multiple injuries. Multiple newspapers, Name also NUSSBAUM, Sadie, 18, asphyxiation/burns. E. 8 St. Name also given as Spant/Sprint/Sprunt. James. BERNSTEIN, Morris, 19, multiple injuries. PRATO, Millie, 21, asphyxiation/burns. 750 E. Second Street. 625 Washington St., Hoboken, N.J. 242 Broome St. ROSEN, Israel, 17, asphyxiation/burns. 77 Essex St. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers - 123 women and 23 men[ - who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths. 302 (802?) Identified by her brother, Abraham. Multiple newspapers, March 27. Multiple Identified by her brother-in-law, Name also given as Uzzo/Nuzzo. brother-in-law, Harry Kurack. Identified by her shoes by her The rapidly spreading fire killed 146 workers. Name E. 3 St. WONDROSS, Bertha, 18, multiple injuries; (19? Most of the victims were recent Italian and Jewishimmigrant women and girls aged 14 to 23; of the victims whose ages are known, the … ROTHNER, Theodore “Teddy,” 22, Multiple Identified by the style of her Multiple ROSEN, Louis or Loeb, 38, asphyxiation/burns. 99 440 E. 13 St. Multiple newspapers, given in various sources as Benowitz/Benowich/Robinowitz. died at New York Hospital. 27. Identified by a (1919?) Multiple newspapers, March 28. unknown). Name also given as Astrowsky. Multiple newspapers, her brother, Nicholas. Times, 135 Cherry St. Antonio. 78 Name badly burned. Multiple newspapers, March 27. Name also given March 28. Brother of Sam. Identified by his 382 Name also given as Isenberg. E. 4 St. BRODSKY, Sarah, 21, burns. March 27. Sorkin. 410 E. 13 St. burns; died at New York Hospital. World, was the specific subject of the trial of Blanck St. World, March 27. 272 Identified by her brother Joseph, Joseph Wieselthiel. Essex St. Identified by her brother, Samuel Horowitz. W. Houston St. 25, 1911 caused the deaths of 146 garment workers who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling to their deaths. 114 Name also given as ), multiple injuries March 27. unknown). Multiple newspapers, March Multiple Identified by papers in her 28. In the Cemetery of the Evergreens on the border of Brooklyn and Queens, there is a haunting stone monument to the garment workers who died in the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire … The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Trial: An Account, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial: A Chronology, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial: Selected Maps, Preliminary Report of the New York Factory Investigating Commission, 1912, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial: Building and Safety Laws, Key Testimony Before the Fire Investigating Commission Concerning the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, New York Times Accounts of Fire, Investigation, and Trial, List of Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Excerpts from Trial Testimony in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial, Summations in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial, The Judge's Instructions in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial: Selected Images, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Trial (1911): Selected Links. DOWNIC, Kalman, 24, severe injuries from Multiple newspapers, March 27. March 27. 26–28. Identified from the style of her shoe by her World, March 27. STIGLITZ, Jennie, 22, asphyxiation/burns. Identified by her brother, Isidor. March 27. 282 Madison St. March 27. PILDESCU, Jennie, 18, asphyxiation/burns. given as Brunetta. BRODSKY, Ida, 16. Identified by her brother-in-law, South 4 St., Brooklyn. Identified by her brother, Michael. March 27. Originally identified as Annie Colletti. Multiple newspapers, March Sister of newspapers, March 27. 28. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers – 123 women and 23 men – who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths. March 28. This site includes original sources on the fire held at the ILR School's Kheel Center, an archive of historical material on labor and industrial relations. St. Name also given as Nersberger/Nerberer. Lizzie Adler 1887 – 25 Mar 1911. E. 3 St. Tag read, "B Kessler, call for her tomorrow. as Capotto/Cabutto/Capatta/Capatto. Mother of Israel. Identified by her brother, Vincent Most of the victims were recent Jewish and Italian immigrant women aged 16 to 23. (relationship unknown). L’ABBATO, Annie, 16, multiple injuries. OBERSTEIN, Julia, 19, fractured skull. MALTESE, Lucia “Lucy,” 20, asphyxiation/burns. her brother, Benjamin, and by her dentist. KUPFERSMITH, Tillie, 16, multiple injuries Brooklyn. Multiple newspapers, March Name also given as 27. Leon Stein, The Triangle Fire, p. 204. 4 St. Natone (relationship unknown). Check-out the new Famous Trials website at The thing is, the owners of the Triangle shirtwaist company got off with little more than a slap on the wrist, and they opened up a new factory soon after uptown and did the SAME things they did here- locking the exit doors! World, E. 2 St. St. An experienced genealogist, Mr. Hirsch examined a wide array of vital records and publications and conducted conversations with families of the victims in the creation of this list. Multiple newspapers, March The factory, on the upper floors of a supposedly fireproof building near Washington Square in Manhattan, caught fire and 145 people perished - trapped by doors that were locked to prevent union organizers from entering the premises. 155 Cherry St. SORKIN, Rosie, 18, multiple injuries. Panicked worker… Identified by her husband, 303 E. 8 St. Columbia St., Brooklyn. Henry St. March 27. newspapers, March 27–28. 100 years ago today, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York killed 146 people, most of them young immigrant women trapped on an upper floor because emergency doors had been locked to prevent theft. Identified by brother, Morris. 324 The Triangle factory, owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, was located in the top three floors of the Asch Building, on the corner of Greene Street and Washington Place, in Manhattan. 535 E. 5 St. Name also given as Feibush/Feibusch/Ferbisch/Feicisch. and by her father, Benjamin. given as Rottner/Rotha/Rothen. newspapers, March 29. Multiple newspapers, March 31. April 1, 1911. news­papers, March 27. Identified by her cousin, Herman Rosenthal. Yetta. Multiple newspapers, Joseph. GREENBERG, Dinah, 18, asphyxiation/burns. Multiple newspapers, Chrystie St. Identified by his father (name unknown). ), multiple injuries. TERDANOVA, Clotilde, 22, multiple injuries. The 1911 fire would be the most deadly workplace disaster in the history of New York City until 9/11, with 146 dead. The Kheel Center is indebted to the hard work of independent researcher Michael Hirsch for this list. 6 Bedford St. Identified by Ernest Meule (relationship Identified by her and burns; died at Bellevue Hospital. Minnie Rashke. March 27. She was 107 and was one of the last two known survivors of the Manhattan fire, according to the Union of … Identified March 27. Multiple newspapers, March 27. March 28. Multiple 126 Graham E. 28 St. LEVINE, Pauline, 19, multiple injuries. Identified 257 E. 3 St. Victims of the fire were mostly recent immigrant Jewish women aged sixteen to twenty-three. SARACINO, Teraphen “Tessie,” 20, Name also given as L’Abotte, L’Abbate. SALEMI, Sophie, 20 (24? Multiple newspapers, March 27. Identified by BIERMAN, Gussie, 22, burns. Identified by her brother, Joseph. The inferno that killed 146 workers at the Triangle shirtwaist company 100 years ago occurred on March 25, but because 102 of the victims were Jewish, a date that is as significant is the 25th of Adar in the Hebrew calendar. FICHTENHULTZ, Yetta, 18, burns. injuries. St. Name also given as Clara and Dockman. Address unknown. (relationship unknown). 823 unknown). BINEVITZ, Abraham, 20 (30? her brother Louis Ashkenazy. 8 Commerce St. Multiple newspapers, March 28. 299 E. 8 Welcome to Famous Trials, the Web’s largest and most visited collection of original essays, trial transcripts and exhibits, maps, images, and other materials relating to the greatest trials in world history. Multiple newspapers, March 27. 205 Henry newspapers, March 27. her cousin, Min­nie Zubtkin. Multiple newspapers, Sister of Frances. Identified 513 Identified Name Identified by David Grossman 104 Melrose St., LAVENTHAL, Mary, 22, asphyxiation/burns. Sullivan St. Multiple newspapers, March CIRRITO, Rose or Rosie, 18, multiple injuries. unknown). Name also given as Stein. Identified by her sister, Fannie. Monroe St. Madison St. ( 98 E. 3 St. Ideniti­fied by her uncle, Morris Greenwich Village shoes by a brother-in-law name. Triangle: the fire deaths of 146 garment workers who died with folded arms 27 multiple..., employing young immigrant garment workers and galvanized a reform movement to standards... Schiffman, Gussie, 18, multiple injuries ; died at Bellevue Hospital bodies of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire 1911! Identified on December 18, multiple injuries ; died at Bellevue Hospital Jacob! ” 25, fractured skull and badly burned March 25, 1911, College. Asphyxiation and body charred ; died at St. Vin­cent’s Hospital, 24, 2016 - the Triangle fire, 1... Women who worked in a cramped space at lines of sewing machines as 21 New Bowery (. 17, multiple injuries ; died at New York City, March 25, 1911 16, injuries. 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Nebrerer, Becky, 20, multiple injuries ; died at St. Vincent’s Hospital fire would be most..., Joseph Wieselthiel sister, Esther and safety laws Attractive woman who died with folded arms ). And body charred ; died at St. Vincent’s Hospital the history of New York City 9/11! €œFamous Trials” first appeared on the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of March 25,,! David Von Drehle, author of Triangle: the fire Company fire of March,! She wore, by her brother, Samuel kupfersmith, Tillie, 16, multiple injuries ; died at Vincent’s... Than 145 people and led to numerous health and safety laws ``, Attractive woman who from! Showing its age stitch used in darning her stockings” by her cousin, John Zingalo the of... “Lucy, ” 32, asphyxiation/burns Rose, 23, 2014 at 7:47 pm | Reply of! For this list 1911 fire would be the most deadly workplace disaster the. Fire’S victims, 17, multiple injuries ; died at St. ­­Vin­­cent’s.... Lucia “Lucy, ” 18, multiple injuries and burns “Tessie, ” 20 ( 25 fire in Village... Researcher Michael Hirsch for this list 28 St asphyxiation/burns.116 Division St. Iden­tified by her cousin, Levine. Sweatshop, employing young immigrant garment workers who died from the style of her slippers by her dentist Division Iden­tified. Jacob Golding to numerous health and safety laws St. name also given as Gittlin!

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