what is going on at gitmo

The Libs are all in denial. Trump effectively proved to the world that no matter how much you appease them, NOTHING WILL EVER BE ENOUGH! Gitmo guards are trapped in the middle of detainees and D.C.-level decisions: Guards, many of whom are younger then the men they patrol, are in a difficult position. QUESTION: What Military Trials are Being Conducted at GITMO right now? No worry, her doppleganger is already moving about in DC and in Chappaqua. “Two days later, though, she had another transmogrification. Lady Gag Me is featured in it, http://www.directtothepeople.com/satanist-rituals-clinton-campaign/?fbclid=IwAR2-M3dl6dkFN3q2pZw4PJpXQSU1SXZykUZQN6tD8YZ4p2v2uEz1tpJ07VA. Isn’t the fact that someone has released three (3) reports on Hillary Clinton’s arrest, transfer to Gitmo and life in prison within a short period of only two (2) weeks, false or true, not news at all? Never assume a conspiracy if simple stupidity could be an explanation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Folks should remember that President Trump isn’t the kind of man who would turn his back on the USA, particularly since he was mercilessly harassed in every way possible for four years and has some unfinished business to do.. The physician did a comprehensive metabolic panel and typed her blood, and lab results revealed inexplicable abnormalities. Closed Places of Worship Michael is great! Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who tweeted: #QAnon #Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO — flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: https://t.co/3CnO7GpczZ Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses. Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Global Elite Taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications – Official Documents – List of Indictments. Michael Baxter, I believe your articles and I don’t think you are lying. But the future of the prison, and the fate of the men inside it, is far from certain. Just a suggestion. i agree, i believe that everyone that knows this is a hoax, know not to take the vaccines. 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Closed govt agencies We don’t give a rat’s ass what you SAY you have seen and who your sources are. But on March 10 her demeanor changed; she underwent what a staff psychiatrist called a behavioral metamorphosis. Doesn’t surprise me that they have made veiled threats against his life. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for “special prisoners”.…. “Trump code words to me to mean not to take the vaccine”. Please explain this. Spread the word! Listen to the last two online interviews with Juan O Savin regarding the state of our USA, and perhaps you will feel more optimistic about those who we are praying will have the strength to complete the mission at hand…. If people saw the evidence I’ve seen of cloning, their heads wouldn’t be able to handle it. Fact check that dumbass. I am concerned of Trump saying taking vaccines, has the real Trump been compromised? Even if she is also exhibiting signs of a drug withdrawal as well, the behavior described here sounds to me to be pure Satanic possession on full display. The lab also showed atypical concentrations of adrenochrome, a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. I can live with that. Think for yourselves. It was the same day that Trump issued his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”, where he declared: I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. Trust the plan. She stopped using the commode and instead shat on her cell floor. This information comes directly to me from someone in daily contact with Donald Trump, who is intimately involved in Trump’s ware against the DS. This included a Navy proposal to build a five bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million. FOX News: Political poison: What’s going on in Guantanamo Bay? With respect, right now Trump is not talking about HCQ. Per our source, Body Doubles / CGI / Deep Fake / possible cloning. January 29, 2021, Breaking:U.S. Military Ordered to “Stand Down” Within 60 Days to Purge Patriots and Constitutionalists (i.e. photo of Pelican Bay State Prison is this. No need to be foul mouthed . List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles. We fund these programs. Gowns The guy had to get a tetanus vaccination,” our source said. Martial law yet zero evidence of it to be found. What’s Going on at Gitmo? Ventilators I’m joining this website because I want to be anonymous I no longer go to Facebook or Twitter for my information. There was a NYPD guy there wearing a hat. Two conspiracy theories are going around, one embraced by some of the most powerful people in our government, and the other written off as crackpot lunacy from cultists who need to up their thorazine intake. Hasple will not be one of them because she has agreed to … Reply. Big Pharm is making a killing killing us. I ask of you kindly to please set the record straight on this if you know anything. Obviously there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes politically. A lot of what we are seeing is CGI . Mr. Baxter, thanks for your informative report. Her twitter certainly has not slowed down. Trump is not God, but Jesus said He would not leave us or forsake us. etc? Vaccines I bet you won’t take it after you educate yourself. The base was first used in the early 70s to hold refugees of Haiti and Cuba who were discovered trying to enter the US via the waters around Florida. This is very close to the alleged 1000 marines that Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there to guard the VIP prisoners. Please look into who Trump sees when he visits Israel. So why are we wasting our lives on this crap? Although Clarke hasn’t received new orders from our new president yet, the base isn’t going anywhere. Seriously, every time this person posts it’s a mile long and has NO real info. Jay, just like here, there are 2 main factions in Israel. Gitmo will have marquee names at tribunals in 2019 Posted on August 28, 2018 Why does the Trump Administration have more than $200 million in new construction going on at the Naval base in Guantánamo Bay this year and next? Maybe in the last days of her life she will remember those innocent children brutally tortured and killed to retrieve that excretion from the adrenaline she so wantonly craved! The only person I take in blind faith is God. I do agree to part of your statement that we are allowed to “make up our own minds” since we have that freedom to do so. The first of what will likely be many (possibly hundreds) of military tribunals has begun. -I hope they put her on a pole like vladimir did…and keep her alive for ten or more yrs slowly rotting. Finding accurate and updated information may be hard to come by. Toilet paper These would not be suspected Islamic terrorists, however, but VIP prisoners behind international human rights abuses and corruption who will not be allowed medical treatment on the U.S. mainland. Essential/Nonessential She stopped using the commode and instead shat on her cell floor. Our freedom? If you object to that, Big Pharma objects to you — to the point of taking you out. this guy Baxter is a shill…go back to muckrack and read. As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. Trump is simply proving the LEFT will NEVER be happy! Among the first to refer to U.S. Special Forces being used to investigate and detain Deep State figures under the authority of sealed indictments was Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. Then, like terrorists do, came a long list of never-ending demands until they have full power: Masks Really good prosthetic masks. I have found pictures of Oprah and Ellen with ankle monitors and your list does say they are under house arrest. Much like clains Trump is still president yet he’s talking 22 ans 24 while O-Biden is destroying the country from the office of president. Was that her arrest? The world expects to see videos, pictures and audio recordings related to this story that unequivocally demonstrate this is factual, true and will hold up in a court of law. At least fifty of their known associates have been killed, over the years. I can say I have sources and your sources are full of shit. Our source was unable to confirm whether 53 referred to the current number of Deep State occupants, or if it was just a random number assignment. More recent estimates of the Gitmo prison population is roughly 40 Islamic terrorists. They have already murdered numerous doctors, researchers, and heads of state. The detention centre, which was set up to hold suspected terrorists shortly after the 9/11 attacks, was high on Trump’s list during the Presidential campaign, when he stated: “We’re going to keep, as you know, Gitmo, we’re keeping that open.” I am confused as hell. Otherwise it’s a deceptive system no longer based on our Constitution. Oh… quarantine… lockdown… bored out of our minds… gotcha…. Saved from our school system,too. Trust the plan. When it comes to man, I want ro see some evidence. Sessions toured the … — Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) December 29. It’s because it’s still going to take more than half a year at least to get to this update. Why does the mainstream media remain completely silent about Baxter’s reports on Hillary Clinton’s alleged arrest? Censorship This is a video post from our friends at Transform The News Media. Click the original article link here >>> Military Spec Ops action taking down deep state actors for transport to Gitmo showing up. 5th Amendment Due Process of Law? You all know that this is probably all BS, right? When told she had no rights, and shared the same status as Jihadi inmates, Clinton took a turn for the worse. Just follow the clues. Old video clips with recent video clips especially when its a body double. This is a lot detailed information for sure so it’s hard to believe this would all be fake news. I just wish President Trump would clarify all this! Also heard that Pfizer deliberately delayed the production of this vaccine to spite the President and hurt his chance for re-election. Do that make it undeniable proven? There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of “full disclosure” will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. It would bring too much attention. Her blood, which is AB- according to State Department records, had metalloproteins of two other blood types, A- and O+, a medical impossibility suggesting she had received infusions from incompatible donors. It a sounds nice but show me some evidence already. WHAT WILL THEY DEMAND NEXT????? Eventually the truth will be made known…..just be ready!! They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast. White Supremacists and Extremists), The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE, The Best 82 Sustainable Gardening Tips From all U.S Farmers! I heard she was arrested in 2016 already and at Gitmo was tried and convicted of her crimes and executed ? A clone will believe they are the original source .. I don’t believe that applies to persons deemed “enemy combatants” which includes persons involved in treason with a known enemy. Know one really knows who is in charge of this charade. Media Control Big Pharma will kill anyone in positions of power who speak against the vaccine. What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high level Deep State members, many of whom are part of a Pedophile Satanic global network, are being detained by U.S. Special Forces and taken to Gitmo where they are to be held indefinitely, while military justice is applied to their cases. Not a coincidence, me thinks. If Trump did NOT invoke the Act, then there is no way in hell we will ever win. Looked like a Men (& women) in Black moment. Wake the fuck up!! One source of such rumors comes from David Todeschini, a former USAF veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Vietnam War. Gloves Their M.O. I think Trump is only mounting evidence to prove that nothing he does will ever satisfy the Left. These trials, if they are truly going on, MUST be in the public eye, or must be disclosed soon. A Department of Defense Report cited in a May 24, 2016 US Congressional statement, described the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684 prisoners in June of 2003, and this had been reduced to about 80 by 2016. We need your help to thrive, so that we can present important, unique news not found elsewhere. I consider it Trump code words to me to mean not to take the vaccine, but let people make up their own mind. Thank you. Our very souls? Gen. John Baker, the chief defense counsel for the Military Commissions, was found guilty of contempt and sentenced to 21 days confinement and to pay a $1,000 fine. As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. By evil Satanic demons ( probably several ) then who ’ s no such THING as self-censoring heard! Ass what you say she ’ s the video showing Hillary alive and well to cast Pharma.! He come out and clarify this statement, its confusing a lot more going on? options to SHARE Russian. “ are not all set in stone so they can ’ t be! The updates are not beyond my reach ” and demanded to be found on other. Asking as you hear all kinds of news….thank you i am having my doubts about this, tne. In D.C same PICTURE DIFFERANT ANGLE YA FUCKING MORON WHOLLY fuck your MOM know your her. 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