zero dark thirty

A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L.s Team 6 in May 2011. Maya and her CIA team in Pakistan use electronic methods to eventually pinpoint a caller in a moving vehicle who exhibits behaviors that delay confirmation of his identity (which Maya calls tradecraft, thus confirming that the subject is likely a senior courier). 『ゼロ・ダーク・サーティ』(原題:Zero Dark Thirty)は、ウサーマ・ビン・ラーディンの殺害に至る経緯と、作戦に挑む特殊部隊を描いた2012年のアメリカ合衆国の政治映画、サスペンス映画。タイトルは、米軍隊の俗語で「未明」を意味する[5]。, 本作は2011年5月2日に実行された、ウサーマ・ビン・ラーディンの殺害にいたる経緯を描いた、実話を元に作られたフィクション映画である。, 監督は、2008年公開の『ハート・ロッカー』で史上初の女性によるアカデミー監督賞を受賞したキャスリン・ビグローが行った。主役のCIA女性エージェントはジェシカ・チャステインが演じ、第85回アカデミー賞主演女優賞にノミネートされ、第70回ゴールデングローブ賞主演女優賞を受賞した。, 後述する政治的論争で、2012年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙にからむプロパガンダではないかとの批判で公開日が延期になり、また作中の拷問の描写を巡っても論争が起きている。, 一方で作品は批評家から絶賛されており、また120以上の賞にノミネートされ、アカデミー賞を含む60の賞を受賞した(詳細は「ゼロ・ダーク・サーティの受賞とノミネートの一覧」を参照)。, CIA分析官のマヤ(ジェシカ・チャステイン)は、2003年にCIAパキスタン支局に配属された。ブラック・サイトでは同僚のダン(ジェイソン・クラーク)が、アメリカ同時多発テロ事件の資金調達者とされるアマール(レダ・カテブ)を尋問していた。マヤはダンやジェシカ(ジェニファー・イーリー)、ジャック(ハロルド・ペリノー・ジュニア)、トーマス(ジェレミー・ストロング)、J.J.らとともに情報収集に取り組む。, あるときアマールは拷問から解き放たれ、豊富な食べ物と飲み物が与えられる。マヤとダンの前でアマールは「アブ・アフメド・アルクウェイティ(Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti)」という名前を告げた。それは以前は明かされなかったビン・ラディンの連絡係の名前であった。だが、ブラッドレイ支局長(カイル・チャンドラー)はその情報の信憑性を疑い、頻発する自爆テロの阻止を優先した。, ヨルダン当局によって買収されたアルカーイダの医師と面談し、信頼に足る人物かの判断をし情報を聞き出そうとするCIA。しかし2009年12月30日、アフガニスタンのチャップマン基地に現れた医師は身体に巻いた爆弾で自爆。これによってジェシカが死亡した。さらに、アブ・アフメドがすでに死んでいるという情報も、マヤにもたらされた。, 膨大な情報の解析から、アブ・アフメドの本名「Ibrahim Sayeed」が割り出された。死亡情報は誤りだと訴えるマヤ。懐疑的だった上層部もついに折れる。ダンはアブ・アフメドの親族の電話番号を得るためにクウェートに飛び、大金が使われる。, 電話の盗聴から、アブ・アフメドの居所がパキスタンだと特定された。さらに追跡を続け、アブ・アフメドがアボッターバードという町の屋敷に住んでいることが判明した。マヤはこの屋敷にビン・ラディンがいると確信する。, 2011年5月2日、隠密作戦用のヘリコプター2機による奇襲作戦が決行された。ビン・ラディンは射殺され、マヤはアフガニスタンのジャラーラーバードの基地で遺体を確認する。, ワーキングタイトルは『For God and Country』であった[8]。正式タイトルの『Zero Dark Thirty』はティーザー予告編が公開された際に公式に確認された[9]。ビグローによると、タイトルは軍事用語で午前0時30分を指す[10][11]。, 撮影はインドのチャンディーガルで行われた。チャンディーガルの一部はパキスタンのラホールと2011年5月に実際にビン・ラーディンが発見・殺害されたアボッターバードとして撮られた[12]。インドをパキスタンとして描いたことに対して、右派系ヒンドゥー教徒から抗議を受けたと報じられた[13][14]。, 映画音楽作曲のため、アレクサンドル・デスプラが雇われた[15]。音楽はロンドン交響楽団が演奏し、サウンドトラックアルバムは2012年12月19日に発売された[16]。, 2012年12月24日時点でRotten Tomatoesでは85件のレビューで支持率は93%、平均点8.6/10[32]、Metacriticでは28件で加重平均値は95/100となっている[33]。, Producer Siblings Megan and David Ellison Betting Big on Holiday Box Office, キャスリン・ビグロー監督の故オサマ・ビン・ラディン暗殺を題材にした映画、撮影中止の危機! - ライブドアニュース, “Bin Laden Film’s Focus Is Facts, Not Flash”,, Gandolfini will Play Leon Panetta in Zero Dark Thirty, EW gets the Exclusive, No conspiracy: New documents explain Pentagon, CIA cooperation on 'Zero Dark Thirty', Bin Laden movie trailer is out; filmmakers are talking,, “FIRST LOOK: Obama not in 'Zero Dark Thirty' thriller about hunt for Osama bin Laden -- EXCLUSIVE”,,, “VHP, Shiv Sena protest against Osama film”,, “Hindus protest against Bin Laden film that portrays Pakistan on Indian soil”,, “Alexandre Desplat to Score Kathryn Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty'”,, Obama not in 'Zero Dark Thirty' thriller about hunt for Osama bin Laden,, “Barack Obama campaigns in Hollywood style”,, “Is Harvey Weinstein Plotting an October Surprise for Obama?”,, Government communicated with "Zero Dark Thirty" makers, Release Date of Bin Laden Film May Change, Kathryn Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty' wide release delayed, “Film About the Hunt for Bin Laden Leads to a Pentagon Investigation”,, “Kathryn Bigelow denies White House favouritism over Bin Laden film”,,ゼロ・ダーク・サーティ&oldid=82553979, 主人公のマヤのモデルはハッキリせず、「マヤのモデルは男性。襲撃作戦を指揮したのも彼だ」というジャーナリストのピーター・バージェンの意見や、「マヤのような単独行動をとれるものは存在せず、複数の捜査官のエピソードを組み合わせたもの」という元CIA分析官のナダ・バコシュの意見もある。また、元. Hier findest du einen Überblick aller Anbieter, bei denen du Zero Dark Thirty online schauen kannst. Se presupune că filmul i-a avut pe post de consultanți chiar pe câțiva dintre soldații implicați în misiune, iar pentru ecranizare, regizoarea a avut la dispoziție documente oficiale clasificate despre urmărirea lui … [81], Philosopher Slavoj Žižek, in an article for The Guardian, criticized what he perceived as a "normalization" of torture in the film, arguing that the mere neutrality on an issue many see as revolting is already a type of endorsement per se. [19][61][62][63][64] The nationwide release date was pushed back to January 11, 2013, moving it out of the crowded Christmas period and closer to the Academy Awards. [13], Republican Congressman Peter T. King charged that the filmmakers were given improper access to classified materials, which they denied. (See Torture Memos, The Torture Report.) in "Zero Dark Thirty" was discovered last seen in the March 8 2021 at the New York Times Crossword. This crossword clue Org. Cohen disagreed with Steve Coll's critique of the screenwriter's stated effort not to "play fast and loose with history", writing that "Boal has honored those words". The plot to "Zero Dark Thirty" is that a … At a U.S. base in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Maya confirms the identity of the corpse. [55], Steve Coll criticized the early depictions in the film that portrayed it as "journalism" with the use of composite characters. He then turned up stories about a young case officer who was recruited out of college, who had spent her entire career chasing bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty was listed on many critics' top ten lists. For other uses, see, Allegations of improper access to classified information, Objections over the unattributed and unauthorized use of recordings of 9/11 victims, This is the spelling used by the film's end credits, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, the nearly decade-long international manhunt, the military raid where bin Laden was killed, approved torture interrogation techniques, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, List of accolades received by Zero Dark Thirty, Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association, United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Defense Department Inspector General, List of films featuring the United States Navy SEALs, Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden, "Megan Ellison's Annapurna to back Panorama", "Kathryn Bigelow's Bin Laden film to star Joel Edgerton", "UPI takes territories on Kathryn Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty'", "Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propaganda", "The truth about Zero Dark Thirty: this torture fantasy degrades us all", "A letter to Kathryn Bigelow on Zero Dark Thirty's apology for torture", "A CIA veteran on what 'Zero Dark Thirty' gets wrong about the bin Laden manhunt", "Acting CIA Chief Critical of Film 'Zero Dark Thirty, "Kathryn Bigelow denies White House favoritism over Bin Laden film", "Leon Panetta revealed classified SEAL unit info", "Bin Laden Film's Focus Is Facts, Not Flash", "Osama Bin Laden killing: US Navy Seals Row Over Shooting", "SEAL's First Hand Account of Bin Ladin Killing", No conspiracy: New documents explain Pentagon, CIA cooperation on 'Zero Dark Thirty', Bin Laden movie trailer is out; filmmakers are talking, "First Look: Obama not in 'Zero Dark Thirty' thriller about hunt for Osama bin Laden – Exclusive", "Obama not in 'Zero Dark Thirty' thriller about hunt for Osama bin Laden", "Kabir Khan recreates Pakistan in Punjab for 'Phantom' - Times of India", "Manimajra residents hope 'Zero Dark Thirty' will win Oscar", "VHP, Shiv Sena protest against Osama film", "Hindus protest bin Laden film shoot in north India", "Alexandre Desplat to Score Kathryn Bigelow's 'Zero Dark Thirty, 'Zero Dark Thirty' to be promoted in 'Medal of Honor' video game, "#1 'Zero Dark Thirty' Widens For $24M, 'Haunted House' Beats Disappointing 'Gangster Squad' For #2; 'Silver Linings', 'Lincoln', 'Life Of Pi' Get Oscar Bumps", "By Any Means Necessary: Jessica Chastain in 'Zero Dark Thirty, "Zero Dark Thirty: The Girl Who Got bin Laden", "25 Favorites from a Year When 10 Aren't Enough", "IndieWire's Editors and Bloggers Pick Their Top 10 Films of 2012 - IndieWire", "Weekend Report: 'Hobbit' Plummets, Holds Off Slew of Newcomers", "Weekend Report: Controversial 'Zero Dark Thirty' Claims Top Spot", "Zero Dark Thirty Blu-ray and DVD release", "Barack Obama campaigns in Hollywood style", "First look at the Osama bin Laden movie", "Is Harvey Weinstein Plotting an October Surprise for Obama? "[36] On Metacritic the film has a weighted average score of 95 out of 100, based on 46 critics, indicating "universal acclaim". Zero Dark Thirty jetzt legal streamen. Hulu(フールー)ではゼロ・ダーク・サーティの動画が見放題!あらすじやキャストも合わせてご確認ください。まずは2週間無料お試し!お試し期間中はいつでも無料で解約可能です。 [56], U.S. [44][45][46], In 2016, Zero Dark Thirty was voted the 57th greatest film to be released since 2000 in a critics' poll conducted by the BBC.[47]. She is asked where she wants to go and begins to cry. Ammar provides unreliable information on a suspected attack in Saudi Arabia, but reveals the name of the personal courier for bin Laden, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. “Zero Dark Thirty” has some minor flaws that will be laughable to CIA veterans. The President's National Security Advisor tasks the CIA with creating a plan to capture or kill bin Laden. Her family also asked that the film's U.S. distributors make a charitable donation in Ong's name, and should go on record that the Ong family does not endorse the use of torture, which is depicted in the film during the search for Osama bin Laden. With Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt, Mark Strong. 0-dark-thirtyの意味や使い方 名詞0-dark-thirty (uncountable)(chiefly US military slang) Half an hour after 0-dark-hund... - 約1173万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 This answers first letter of which starts with C and can be found at the end of A. Al-Baluchi was transferred to Guantanamo in 2006 for a military tribunal. In 2003, she is stationed at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan. "Zero Dark Thirty nutzt seine ganzen 157 Minuten, um eine zehnjährige Jagd aufzurollen und gibt im fast dokumentarischen Stil die einzelnen kleinen Schritte wieder. Top 10 (ranked alphabetically) – Calvin Wilson, Best of 2012 (listed alphabetically, not ranked) –, This page was last edited on 25 March 2021, at 22:10. [19][62] The filmmakers have said they were not given access to classified details about Osama bin Laden's killing. Panetta said waterboarding was among the techniques used. Find out where Zero Dark Thirty is streaming, if Zero Dark Thirty is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Log In. [31], National security expert Peter Bergen, who reviewed an early cut of the film as an unpaid adviser, said at the time that the film's torture scenes "were overwrought". On May 2, 2011, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment flies two stealth helicopters from Afghanistan into Pakistan with members of DEVGRU and the CIA's SAC/SOG to raid the compound. Movie Tags:military cia assassination hotel terrorist monkey gunfight violence dog prisoner. [56] Coll wrote that "arguably, the film's degree of emphasis on torture's significance goes beyond what even the most die-hard defenders of the CIA interrogation regime ... have argued", as he said it was shown as critical at several points. ZERO DARK THIRTY reunites the Oscar-winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (2009, Best Picture, THE HURT LOCKER) for the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man. Wolf likened Bigelow to the acclaimed director and propagandist for the Nazi regime Leni Riefenstahl, saying: "Like Riefenstahl, you are a great artist. "The virtue of Zero Dark Thirty," wrote Denby, "is that it pays close attention to the way life does work; it combines ruthlessness and humanity in a manner that is paradoxical and disconcerting yet satisfying as art." [4][5] It was produced by Boal, Bigelow, and Megan Ellison, and independently financed by Ellison's Annapurna Pictures. [40] Calling Zero Dark Thirty "a milestone in post-Sept. 11 cinema", critic A. O. Scott of The New York Times listed the film at number six of the top 10 films of 2012. © 2012 Zero Dark Thirty LLC. Zero Dark Thirty Wochenendcharts - Deutschland Wochenende Pl. He also said the senators' letter showed they were still concerned about public opinion supporting the effectiveness of torture and didn't want the movie reinforcing that. Zero Dark Thirty was nominated for four Golden Globe Awards at the 70th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture – Drama, Best Director, Best Screenplay, with Chastain winning Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama. Coll said the facts about him were different from what was portrayed in the film, which suggests the detainee will never leave the black site. ゼロ・ダーク・サーティ 『 ゼロ・ダーク・サーティ 』( 原題 :Zero Dark Thirty)は、 ウサーマ・ビン・ラーディン の 殺害 に至る 経緯 と、 作戦 に 挑む 特殊部隊 を 描いた 2012 年 の アメリカ合衆国の政治 映画 、 サスペンス映画 。 Putting aside the historical politics for one moment, the essence of Bigelow’s intellectual assertion comes in the form of Maya. Entertainment Weekly wrote, "The controversial Oscar contender easily topped the chart in its first weekend of wide release with $24.4 million. Zero Dark Thirty … "[93] In February 2013 in the Wall Street Journal, Boal responded to the Senate critics, being quoted as saying "[D]oes that mean they can use the movie as a political platform to talk about what they've been wanting to talk about for years and years and years? "But nobody likes to throw out two years of work. She speculates that the CIA's photograph of Ahmed is that of his brother, Habeeb, who was killed in Afghanistan. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Some of the sourcing I had developed long, long ago continued to be helpful for this version. [75] He identified the unit that conducted the raid as well as naming the ground commander that was in charge. Zwei Jahre nach den Anschlägen vom 11.September schließt sich die junge CIA-Agentin Maya der Jagd auf Al-Qaida-Führer Osama bin Laden an. "[54], Zero Dark Thirty has received criticism for historical inaccuracy. Especially used by military personnel to describe an unwanted time to be awake or awaken. The … The film's screenwriter added, "the president is not depicted in the movie. 92 talking about this. Definition of zero dark thirty in the Idioms Dictionary. They immediately shelved the film they had been working on and redirected their focus, essentially starting from scratch. [85], The Huffington Post writer G. Roger Denson countered this, saying that the filmmakers were being made scapegoats for information openly admitted by government and intelligence officials. Zero Dark Thirty - Un film di Kathryn Bigelow. Zero Dark Thirty is a 2012 American thriller film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal. Zero Dark Thirty Wallpaper Looking for the best Zero Dark Thirty Wallpaper? It was the site's best-reviewed film of 2012. Yes. "[84], Michael Morell, the CIA's acting director, sent a public letter on December 21, 2012 to the agency's employees, which said that Zero Dark Thirty, takes significant artistic license, while portraying itself as being historically accurate ... [The film] creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques that were part of our former detention and interrogation program were the key to finding Bin Ladin. 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