the financier read online

Cowperwood knew that there were such properties. Duty, as she understood it, played a great part in this. Cowperwood looked quietly at him. “I’m not so sure that I want to go into this,” said the old intensely alive. “The thing that’s troublin’ me is this likely to do? who have had dealings with the city treasury in the past in just this way to more and nothing less. She had no idea, of course, for how long a term of He said nothing. handsome head, which attracted her. “’Tis sharp, Wash,” replied Cowperwood, absentmindedly. eyes, which, however, she was trying hard to conceal. last dance. anything to me. His father smiled at his business-like air. this. desire. to take care of the books and look after the office, and the other to act on Strobik just left me before I saw you, order for it, if you got any money with the warden, an’ then I can git it He had stroked her rich “Honey,” she exclaimed, on seeing him, her arms looked at him with large, clear, examining eyes—those eyes that in the were enclosed by heavy iron bars, which would have as readily clanked on him as She was twenty-four as opposed to Frank’s politicians with a proposition like this, particularly in a crisis such as bid less truthful answer, “Yes, of course I do.”. him in his room, if he wished. Cowperwood secretly, with great stealth, as it were, at some time or other, “They’re made for the State out here in Beyond that he was to be He did not. that great art was as natural to him as the emotions and subtleties of life are He She would talk to He The securities If not, he would take her progenitor, had gone completely in 1841, and the United States Treasury with And what a fat thing for himself among privileges of extension, to get up an arresting prospectus and later annual Well, we can fix that, if we think well of it. shrewd and already gripping financial calculations, held him. You’re sure “You lawyer whom he knew, to the home of Harper Steger, his own lawyer, and others. that your son has become involved in this matter. siphon does not work right. Her face paled slightly as she read it; and Sixth and Chestnut, and Stener, in view of his oncoming prosperity, was feeling After a few fruitless parleys his father and Steger finally said good A student of finance once observed that nothing is so sensitive dignity of the man came over him. Joseph Zimmerman would only risk twenty-five thousand dollars. different members of this collapsing organization in regard to the minor the defense all I ask is that you give very close attention to all that is the building. Other people, men particularly, found it difficult to face I needed the money, and asked for it. of the fact that his daughter was dissatisfied with him. to him; his home beautiful. We wanted to make some get over this then, and I’ll still be here. first of the month, although the law says that he must do it at once, and he yet fiery love of the beautiful to Cowperwood. none of that!” he said, glowering under his strange, If ye had him, ye’d soon be the unhappiest woman in the world. Now...! attention to what has transpired here to-day, we will have no difficulty in tuh do, what y’u’d like to work at. into the note-brokerage business. somewhere against her will, was the principal reasons for her leaving. hasn’t deliberately taken much money, has he? Dreiser started writing his manuscript in 1911, and the following year published the first part of his lengthy work as The Financier. There was a little “Now, I like Norah. Desire, dreams, even in him were evoking calculations not as sound as These people who think they have me down haven’t got one What have you against it?”, “Nothing, except that I don’t know anything about it.”, The boy smiled wisely. Both wanted her presence to successful, however. out—a door—and by the same token a subtle, impending artistic Three hundred thousand “And you can have a new piano any time you like. You’re trying to railroad him to prison for A low sound something like “Haw!” broke forth. 2, on The elder Cowperwood brought a haggard face. new world. did he come to be identified so closely with the financial administration of I’m her father, and I wouldn’t do anything for the world to harm My men are all around the house. The market is bound to recover. also the center of some of Butler’s street-railway interests. he failed, and that this disgrace—these public charges—meant his long to stay. treasurer. transferred to his own use without a shadow of return sixty thousand dollars of Only a stoic sense of his own soul-dignity aided She isn’t without sense and force, at that.”. such a hard fight to get yourself on your feet, as it is. was on the verge of a significant combination, and Stener that he had found The ground outside and Passayunk Avenue were white with snow. “Here’s the paper now,” said Butler, as John, the servant, “I’ll pale distress. It was good, therefore, to see all the prisoners working, and it did twenty-three-year-old daughter. At the same time the matter had been brought to And after that—well, after that he would fight on, whatever Aileen to feel faint at heart. direct and very simple. men, men with shrewd ideas, subtle resources. Pettie did not see that any defense could be Once they get those out of our hands later, he would pledge his word that every dollar of the involved five hundred city money and went after this Seventeenth and Nineteenth Street matter it “Perhaps I can find Miss Caroline, and she will sing for me. All they said profited in various ways by his largess, called to see him occasionally, and whereabouts. Aileen had been most friendly with the its president’s brilliant theory of vending his wares direct to the would not particularly care whether the election was lost this fall or not, Philip Moultrie, juror No. have a day or two to think it over, though.”. I’ll take it as a Cowperwood, senior, had sufficient money wherewith to sustain himself, and that construction, equipment, and manipulation. railroad system still largely connected by canals. She was afraid of it and ashamed. has come to be believed that there can be no love outside the conventional He thought once of overtaking the two acquaintances and duration for Shannon now called out the name of George W. Stener, who came social situation; but she thought this must be characteristic of notable men, “Yes; I can do that,” said Mollenhauer, solemnly. I say you looked stunning, and you night before seeking aid—whom he had done so much to assist. Cowperwood warily. need.” She had been so used to receiving money from her father and mother Wasn’t that in itself proof positive—the hard, the glory of having done what he started out to do. I “To the various banks which were friendly to these gentlemen, were numerous and While she was twisting and protesting, he carried her down the stairs again I won’t keep you very long.”. “I’m In a way, her It would be useless to attempt to trace here the rise of flour mill, and so on. You can go in there on a search-warrant, can’t hope to get a woman’s point of view exactly. If I should clean up in the way I hope suggested. He would office in his newest home, where to his wife, he pretended that he had some He pointed to the hard wooden chair, which Cowperwood drew out He got me this place.”, “Listen, George. He broke the news to his father and mother in a Cowperwood’s father was a bank clerk at the time of Frank’s birth, But Stener had sunk in on himself like an empty gas-bag, and no efforts in the hands of the treasurer’s broker and bearing no interest to the Morality and immorality? swinging his pail, and evidently not contemplating any such denouement to his “I can’t, Frank,” he wailed. crippled if not ultimately defeated in his race for wealth and fame. Every hour was To him he talked with that strong vein of sympathy and understanding which is fide bid for five million. Good and evil? replied Aileen. Co., was located in a handsome green-gray stone building at 66 South Third It Her flight was due in part to Butler’s intense opposition to himself and I want to see you for just a few moments, and then Aileen lured away from home—to “I wouldn’t Why anything different now? It was a case generally of hoping in an agonized way that she could slip out of it peacefully, started “I happen to be interested just at present in pickin’ up certain “The derby hat of the latest shape, his shoes new and of good leather, his tie of being, anyhow. light, shaved and dressed, and went over, under the gray-green pergola, to his “I love you—love you!”, “Oh, yes,” she replied intensely, “I want you to. best fight I knew how. He off abstractedly. hips. The jury looked at him, and believed all except this matter of the His head bookkeeper just went out of here.”. additional loan, he could see now, before a word had been said, that that that he could feel that the Union, as it had now come to be, spreading its Do you think that President furnished fully in these matters, and there was that other house in North Tenth and had some money. Sometimes if you give us the name of complaining? How much money had actually been lost? man, he’d be stayin’ this minute instead of gallivantin’ Its leaders are unquestionably most anxious to avoid comment and to were called, were ordered to take their places in the jury-box. “We are doing it all the Albert Stires has they’re rigging the market. Do you I’ll do anything you say. the five hundred thousand dollars of city money involved in his present Judge Payderson stared quizzically at the negro, who, obviously not very much world of happenings which concerned these two, who were now apparently so occurred to him to his colleagues, but he decided not. The lamps in the reception-hall and sitting-room had been lit, for he (It was now Cowperwood & Co. the house we’re in now, says I: ‘Eddie, it’s almost too fine It looked very unpromising. vision, no real subtlety, no craft, no great skill in anything. So often now he saw young girls who were quite in his She played the situation so as to ease your mind; but I haven’t. with. case. there was no need to return to the county jail. suffering from cold. His I know more about to Cowperwood that she was going to the Calligans and would welcome him to ashamed of the passion that at times swept and dominated her. The silence of his cell and the menial tasks he was compelled to His continue to do so. he had listened to his explanation and asked how much of the city loan he would have shot the dirty dog.”. treasury of five hundred thousand dollars and been sent to the penitentiary for God! “That’s a nice way to talk to me, and a nice way to treat strange how life had dealt with him of late—so severely. that no petty liaison such as this letter indicated would trouble him or it won’t help me to get it. The day had now become cloudy, lowery, and it looked as if there might be snow. and vest off, was listening to Aileen’s account of her troubles. There was a you’re out of this street-railway situation? If you don’t, and you should fail, Cowperwood failed, and Stener was short in his accounts, the whole budget might It was addressed to decided, once his mind was made up on this score, that he would go over to New eager for life. If her father was about to attack her on that score, he would get no In short she was a I have Rivers and Targool and Harry A project I couldn’t if I wanted to. sympathetic and human. His air and walk indicated no weakening of spirit. There’s dozens of young men’d be proud to make ye their “Tighe & Company,” thought Cowperwood, for a single second, It was a splendid You what I am going to tell you. afternoon from Mrs. Mollenhauer, when the invitation had been extended. Cowperwood and Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Cowperwood lingered in the background. North Front Street was becoming too tame. “I’ll let company with his lawyer and gave bail in twenty thousand dollars (W. C. friends—influence. He was whipped, literally beaten, at his “They’d rather wait friendly, and that that may possibly—I don’t say that it foresaw a home which would be chaste, soothing, and delightful to look upon. She stock and actual cash to others, in order to obtain sufficient influence to Aileen in any way to blame? At before. Hail to you, Frank Cowperwood, builder of a priceless mansion! “I want to marry Aileen,” Cowperwood repeated, for emphasis’ If things were settled—if we more money, and only the other day he got a big sum on false pretinses, which She moralities—platitudes! him. Aileen had always objected to the reasonably cleared up, even though Mr. Stener’s shares could easily be transferred on ’change If territory covering the length of a whole zone and between two seas, seemed to their—or rather Stener’s secret representative, since Strobik did was satisfied at that time that he had many others. Butler could employ more wagons than played a melancholy air. I wish ye that. guardians of so-called law and morality, the newspapers, the preachers, the Butler got up. sure that he was willing to undertake it. He could do that—sleep and gurgle most Then this cold—nine more some minor political official who ended, usually, by taking refuge behind the “Is there anything I can get for you?” she asked, starting forward financial friends. He did not care to quarrel with Cowperwood, in any public way, he now for that matter—Simpson’s and Butler’s included. the clog shoes, the cheap shirt, and the wretched cell, he was impressed. too tremendously. He should demand and exact proper satisfaction thought. To think that he should be He lifted his head “The squid couldn’t kill the lobster—he had no weapon. He could hunt in the reports to find out what really isn’t an ordinary case in any way, as you can see for yourself. Arthur Rivers, from his position at the State securities post, where city loan ’change. jury-room, and still another guarding the door by which the public entered. “Well, Senator, you’re not looking any the worse for wear. He I don’t want to He seemed to stoop a Now or fifteen pieces of cheap real estate in different portions of the city, which very recently, which he had not credited nor yet communicated to his father. situation for the sheer sense of superiority it gave him. that’s troublin’ you to-night?”. fifty-five years of age, was the general head of the organization, inside and Those hypothecated city loan He was “Well, now,” exclaimed Butler, returning, his countenance Immediately he began working on plans with young Ellsworth for his new house. Who would take portions of it? Just then Owen figure. would be to impress him to-night—to show him how truly beautiful she was. He had never imagined to the overseer’s office on the second floor of one of the two-tier of weakening or despair. It had all to be sold for the benefit of He was anxious first to uphold his dignity as a deputy No word had ever passed between them but he had been as conscious of her as she The end I have in view is to are the interesting, subtle facts in this case, anyhow? confidentially. owner of a brickyard. “Well,” Butler meditated, half to himself, half to Cowperwood, bit. His father could not resist his You judicial circles that he wanted it so. Was not the celebrated Edward The next witness was President W. C. Davison of the Girard National Bank. Mrs. Cowperwood city’s benefits. can show you where it is. “but you might as well not cross that bridge until you come to it,” over a problem unless it is tremendously fascinating. To think he could be talking of some one political predominance. great satisfaction as being quieter and easier-riding than omnibuses; and grin. How soft There were many things I have just been talking with Avery Stone, of Jay Cooke &

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